heyyyy my bunny did this too. I found one that locks to the side of her cage and there is no more throwing her bowl around cuz it's in her way. there's nothing she can do about it now and everyone is happy (except her, when she angrily drinks her water now)
This is the one I have from amazon. Super cheap as an add on item and the perfect size. also really easy to fill up.
I use the 20 oz side mounted bowl you can find here you can unscrew the bowl from the base without unmounting the whole thing. I love it and the boys have options for drinking
this is the bowl i switched to https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00063KH86/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DDEFT3HT0ZGKKCP7Q95N she is now bamboozled as she can’t flip it
I have theselocking dish
Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is a nightmare.....
We are using a really deep one, and filling it half full, and ours lost interest after he couldn't do it. Because the circumference was still too small for him to get both his paws in. The crate one is more shallow but again he's cant really fit even one of his paws in (he has big paws....), and we only fill half full to decrease the incentive.
This is the small one: https://www.petsmart.ca/dog/bowls-and-feeders/petmate-no-spill-kennel-cup-46125.html?cgid=100402
The deep one I think is this one: https://www.amazon.com/Lixit-Corporation-BLX0758-20-Ounce-Assorted/dp/B00063KH86/ref=rtpb_2/142-5187010-5610004?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00063KH86&pd_rd_r=6050a9fd-417f-47e2-9170-b93fe11f4a56&pd_rd_w=nTYvi&pd_rd_wg=CFb7s&pf_rd_p=341def9d-118d-40b1-a1a3-43a765074f73&pf_rd_r=NERXJNQ8A6YNVBK6RPAH&psc=1&refRID=NERXJNQ8A6YNVBK6RPAH but I dont know for sure. I'm in Canada, bought it at a Canadian pet store, this is the closest I can find (and it's on US amazon...). The one we have is I believe 20floz
But tbh sounds like your little lady is a lot more committed than ours so....