Well I personally haven't tried the normal version of the EC2-B but I wouldn't count on it as beeing grippy. I would recommend buying some Lizard Skin 0.5mm (Amazon DE) along with it. But the mouse has got a really nice shape apart from Zowies inconistent black coatings. My hand is 18.5x9.5cm and the EC2-B is currently my main mouse alongside the KPOE.
Didn't know about the slip covers. I've used vinyl skins on older vapes (have one for my Voopoo Drag 2) but I'm not a big fan of those.
Doesn't have to be Dragon Grips specifically either, there's a brand that's popular for bat and hockey stick tape and gun grips called Lizard Skins that people like and I think it's a softer grip, more rubbery than the Dragon Grips. I just used what I had on hand since I had a spare sheet around from when I applied it to my eReader.
Specific , yes. 0.5mm Here is the link : https://www.amazon.de/Lizard-Skins-weichem-Camouflage-Hockeyschl%C3%A4ger/dp/B01NH9P8BA/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=lizard%2Bskins%2B0%2C5%2Bmm&qid=1566001356&s=gateway&sprefix=lizard%2Bskins%2B0&sr=8-1&th=1&psc=1
Pretty sure you can find it on amazon US as well.
I got it on amazon germany. Thats the link not sure it it might be of any help but there you go. They also have different colors and camo designs.
Lizard Skins 0,5 mm DSP Dura weichem Polymer Camouflage Hockeyschläger Grip Tape, schwarz 99 cm https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01NH9P8BA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_ie.IDbQVKMGY9
Also there is one UK site with horrible customer service (asked them twice if they can ship to my country as it says they ship to my country in their estimated delivery sheet , but when i try to order , my country is not in the list).
And your second option is Amazon Le France
But personally i'd go for some other grips as lizard skins are overpriced (at least in EU and shipping is pricey as well)
You could try adding grip tape to the sides and/or buttons, depending on your preference. Most popular seems to be the 0.5mm Lizard Skins athletic tape. It’s readily available on Amazon and comes in a variety of colors:
Lizard Skins Solid Hockey Grip Tape - Hockey Stick Tape 0.5mm Thickness 99cm & 160cm Length https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NH9P8BA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_TCefFb49XX6DD
They also make pre-sized GPW grips, but most ppl say that the Lizard Skins provide better grip.
There's Lizard Skins on amazon uk at least https://www.amazon.co.uk/Lizard-Skins-Durasoft-Polymer-Hockey/dp/B01NH9P8BA/ref=sr_1_1?s=sports&ie=UTF8&qid=1546445990&sr=1-1&keywords=lizard+skins+0.5
Could also check on aliexpress for the hotlines grip tape for the g203/g305 since it's already pre cut etc although that would just cover the l/r buttons and the sides.
Had the same issue. This helped me feel x1000 better.
(TLDW; Add hockey stick griptape and you always have control without half the effort.)
Just cut the tape to fit and you're done. Heres an amazon link to the tape.
Lizard Skins 0.5 mm DSP Dura Soft Polymer Hockey Stick Grip Tape (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NH9P8BA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_SCImjTwz1vbRq
I mainly play CSGO and I had the same problem. The Razer grip, Logitech grip, and the grips that came with my Skoll are all mediocre at best for me.
I highly recommend that you find whatever shape you like the best and put Lizard Skins Grip Tape on it. I promise you won't regret it. It is incredibly grippy with no residue or breaking apart. I put it on the sides where my fingers contact as well as the palm area.
You can make it look very aesthetically pleasing by cutting it to follow the curves of the mouse. Like this G305
It's $10 for like 4ft and it beats any grip on any mouse you've tried by a mile.
you can get them on amazon:
Lizard Skins .5mm Hockey Grip (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01NH9P8BA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_i4t7DbXXWBM65
Here ya go! Amazon
It’s the default 0.5 mm for Hockey. I put the Amazon link of the one I ordered in the comment.
Lizard Skins Durasoft Polymer Hockey Grip Tape - 0.5 mm (Black) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01NH9P8BA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_lbMJCbRD06K5A
Yea it's a known issue for the Rival 600. Also happens on the Razer DeathAdder. I hate it too, but people have been using Lizard Skin Tape as a replacement.