I’ve got a DIY solution I’ve been super happy with: get half a dozen one-foot lengths of lock line, mount them in a hexagonal pattern on a rectangular piece of 1x12 pine (eg drill holes + epoxy) and top with alligator clips. Gives you an amazingly adaptable holder for all sorts of things. I also have a Panavise, the ubiquitous helping-hands, etc but have never found anything quite as useful/usable as the DIY lock line solution
Edit: I did something like this without the milling etc
Oooo thanks for the tip! I guess something like this? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006R9OFGS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glc_fabc_Y9AN93P9KG26M7X5K0XD?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1