I mean, it's cheaper. Could you please take a look to make sure I'm looking at the right product?
Hotas means stick + throttle and for starters you probably need this. Yokes are much more expensive and they usually doesn't come with throttle itself, so that's additional cost. There is one, cheap from logitech but may slightly exceed your limit.
This is cheap Hotas on the block and it does it work greatly.
I have this yoke and throttle quadrant , I've had it for over 5 years no problems. The movement on the pitch axis can be a slightly jerky, its not bad, just something i noticed (ps it also works for sim racing). Again more middle of the market CH rudder pedals. Also had these for over 5 years. Very light and easy to manipulate. They're also durable, I've abused them with years/hundreds of hours of crosswind landings and sim racing, still work great. I remember it being mildly uncomfortable to use bare foot but my feet got use to them quickly and now find them comfortable. The only downside is that i had to duct tape it to my wood floor. Recently moved, works fine on carpet. When looking for sim hardware years ago i saw good recommendations for these rudder pedals but i got to try them recently and thought that they were pretty uncomfortable to use. The angle felt flat and they were so skinny my feet could barely fit on them. However they have more weight in the control force so if you want something that feels heavy you might want to consider them. But I definitely prefered my CH pedals. I also got to try this yoke. Its more expensive, however i remember it feeling smoother than the previously mentioned yoke. Its also smaller and more similarly sized to a 172 yoke as well, if thats something that matters. This yoke also felt heavier in the weight of the controls. Would recommend both yokes, though i prefer my saitek yoke slightly more (i like the light feel plus it fits my hands better).
lmao! Where did my question go!? Anyways, is it possible to use a yoke/wheel for flying in this game? Something like this - https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-Saitek-Flight-Yoke-System/dp/B01M00OQBE