I use this the thumb buttons are for exura ico as it's where your thumb always sits so it's easy, shift and thumb for gran ico, next thumb button for exori hur and shift for ico.
Hold buttons next to left mouse button for mana and supreme for easy access, you can add shit and control to these too if you want.
I walk with wasd
1 challenge 2 exori 3 exori min 4 exori gran 5 haste E or R for utito tempo Shift + E or R will be for protector
I use this personally and find it really easy but just find what works best for you. Fyi I also have v for stoneskin and b for might ring
my all time favourite and i do have tiny hands! cant imagine healing with a different mouse at this point
Yeah it depends. Its hard to describe but my mouse wheel is not that smooth so I have better control. I have the Logitech G502 hero
https://www.amazon.de/Logitech-programmierbare-PC-Computermaus-Balance-Tuning-Deutsche-Verpackung/dp/B07GS6ZS8J This is where i bought mine from. And GHub has no problems recognizing it as a G502Hero
This one is the perfect gaming mouse for a reasonable price
English amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-G502-Performance-Gaming-Mouse/dp/B07GBZ4Q68/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=logitech+g502&qid=1572110291&sr=8-2