I use a cheaper logitech headset (about $10 at walmart or amazon.) Since I love something lightweight https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-981-000214-Stereo-Headset-H110/dp/B003H4QPJQ/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=logitech+h110&qid=1589689575&s=electronics&sr=1-2 This is the one I am using. He on the other hand has a setup that cost around $1000 for his mic and headset. My mic though is super clear and the audio is great especially with how cheap it is lol.
This is a bit ghetto but I bought a https://www.amazon.com/Logitech-981-000214-Stereo-Headset-H110/dp/B003H4QPJQ/ref=sr_1_8?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1469913989&sr=1-8&keywords=logitech+headset took the screws out, removed the mic arm and cut the cables to the actual headphones and used gaffa tape to stick it to my ATH-m50x's
I've been told on a few occasions that my mic is pretty crystal clear, but I do use a 3rd party soundcard.
Ok, just something basic without a ton of static works. Something like this would be perfect.
I bought this one when I got into comp. TF2 and it was really good. It started to hurt a little after like 3 hours, but the matches are never that long anyway. Soundquality was better than expected too.
I used to use this, wrapped around my neck. The mic was decent.
Could anyone give me advice on these two headsets? First one is the cheapest headset they sell at my school bookstore
Second one is a cheap one I found one amazon
I need a headset for a college class but I would also like to use it for speaking to people while gaming. Would the second one be noticeably better? (also does the second one have two seperate jacks for mic and audio, It needs to have two and if it doesnt could you recommend me an ok headset with two jacks under 20$ if its better then the first one. Lol sorry for all the text)
This shit never breaks. Most reliable Logi model out on the market right now. Cheapest for its quality too.
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003H4QPJQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Stereo-Adapter-External-ICUSBAUDIOB/dp/B001EHG7DM/
Cheap, but gets the job done, and on PS4 I get both voice+game sound through the headphones so nobody has to hear what's happening in my game.
Any more excuses, or will you still whine when I kill you for not having a mic?