I have a bottom of the barrel headset. I plan to upgrade it to a proper gaming headset after the holidays. Headset is basically this
Man, you can get a mic for cheap! Also: mic's come standard on a laptop, are often includes in a webcam, and are also often included in a headset.
>lol. If you think your Logitech g930 sounds good you’re drunk.
ooo ... kay ... compared to what, a dw pro2? yea the g930 absolutely trashes it literally no contest.
If you are talking about making, PSTN phone calls, then it doesnt matter - the media you are listening to is the limiting factor. If you are talking about VoIP using G722, or OPUS the dw pro, savi 720 etc. all lose big time.
>Btw, if you have one mic, it’s always mono. Stereo phones calls aren’t a thing. And if you think dual speakers equals stereo, you should probably stick to Logitech.
uh .. yeah who said anything about stereo? I just said that plantronics, and sennheiser build to the spec of 8khz mono.
The 8khz there is the part that makes it sound like crap.
Literally ANY wired headset, even the cheapest wired headset will sound better with high quality voip, than a dwpro 2, or a savi 720. I know because I have all of them. And in the same line, a wireless headseat meant to reproduce music etc. vs. pstn quality voice, e.g. the g930, is going to sound better than the dwpro 2 or savi 720 - again, I know b/c i have both.