Says a lot that you're just dismissing anyone defending something you don't like by calling them fanboys. You're free to dislike a thing if that's how you feel, you don't have to qualify it by proving you're an asshole towards people who like the thing.
And I don't see how it makes me a fanboy to point out the flaws in your arguments? What happened with LOST is not only well-documented (like, literally documented in a book that you can read, but one of the guys who made it went on to produce two television masterpieces, so maybe I give him the benefit of the doubt? Especially when the other player in the game is a goddamn broadcast television network. It's common knowledge that networks interfere in shows and LOST was one of the first major serialized broadcast dramas. ABC wanted more because it was popular, they didn't care if that interfered with the vision the writers had. And I didn't even say anything about the writer's strike. That happened, what, around season 4 of the show? I think the damage had long been done by then.
And again, I don't even see the comparison here. They had a plan and they executed on it. The entire show has been produced. It's a miniseries and its events directly affect the upcoming movies. Wanda's going to be in the next Doctor Strange, which is already in production. It would be pretty weird if they didn't have the plot figured out for this show and they were already filming a movie affected by it.
And by the way, the finale of LOST is actually good. Fight me.
Honestly, that was posted from my phone (sorry for the crappy formatting) and I'd like to give you some more to chew on :)
So here's a Sporcle quiz - name every LOST character. It's really quite difficult, even with clues. I've never gotten a perfect score! My best ever was -7.
There's the LOSTpedia Community Portal, always worth checking out.
This Finale analysis post (and the comments section) will keep your gears turning for a while.
I totally recommend buying the LOST Encyclopedia - it's huge and filled with tons of extra info.
The Jimmy Kimmel special that aired directly after the finale is worth a watch - cast interviews and "alternate endings".
and last but should have been first: My Favorite LOST Youtube Video ever - "I'll Never Be Lost Again" rap
There is an official Lost encyclopaedia
Lost Encyclopedia ( My ex got it for me after I rewatched the entire series with her last year. One of the best gifts ever, besides the Faraday bobble-head doll :)