Not just cry, but retire. Our child development teacher read us Love You Forever one day, and for some reason, we thought it was hilarious. The whole class interrupted her by laughing and joking about it until she broke down sobbing.
Joke’s on me, though. The book stuck with me for years, and was the first gift I bought for our son when we adopted him.
I cry all the dam time. I have a children's book, the giving tree, If I can make it to the end without shedding a tear I know my estrogen is running low. If I'm in tears by page 10 its running high.
"The book that makes daddy cry"
I can't even read this one.
My mom read that to me as an infant, a toddler, and as a growing kid. I still think back on it and get the feels.
Also, Shel Silverstein sticks out to me as well, both The Giving Tree and his poems.
That sounds like Love You Forever by Robert Munsch
It's called Love You, Forever.
There’s a book with this sentiment that my mom always read to me as a kid:
My kids make fun of me because I cried the first time I read this to them.
“Love You Forever” - Robert Munsch
Have I got a book for all the moms and dads out there.
Trying to read Love You Forever to my kids. Every. Fucking. Time. I'm tearing up just finding the link.
Here you go m8, or find a PDF online
The title for this post makes me think of this book
Hello fellow dad. If you haven't seen it, you need to check out this guide to exercising using your kids.
Also, I have the best/worst book for you.
"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."
THIS. Utterly creepy. The mother creeps into her married son's bedoom.
Sounds like the storyline for Love You Forever.
All I have to do is mention that book and it makes my mom that I'm older and a parent it gets me too.
That is essentially the plot of this book.
Love You Forever was always a favorite and my kids love it now too.
My Lord. I just read the two pages available in the Amazon preview. I'm already in pieces.
Since we are on the topic of mushy shit.
This book can pull snot bubbles and tears out of me. I tear up just thinking about it.
I can have my estrogen in the tank, and watch an alligator eat a bag of kittens with a dead face, and that book breaks me in half.
Sometimes, when I'm alone, I use to bawl my eyes out. It makes time with my son feel so good.
That book is special. I don't know what it is. All my problems are bullshit when I read it.
And that's a new book. Used books tend to work just as well.
This was always one of my favorites as a kid. My mom read it to me until I was old enough to read it to her, and we read it to each other all the time.
I would also like to submit Love You Forever which is still on my bookshelf even though I grew and grew and left home and moved into a house very far away. It's another one that makes even grown-up me miss my mommy.
That would be because I said the wrong author. D'oh.
Here it is: