Hey. You deleted your post before I read it. Unfortunately the RemindMe bot isn’t working well.
Anyhow, I had swept through it very quickly before you deleted it and found it interesting. I was once interested in new age stuff and have met a few people who have also. You might like the books by William Schnoebelen, such as Lucifer Dethroned.
Recomendo que leia o livro Lucifer Dethroned, de William Schnoebelen. Em Português pode ser encontrado pelo nome Lúcifer Destronado.
Ele foi satanista / ocultista / feiticeiro / maçom por 16 anos e passou por um bocado de coisas.
>"...nothing against Catholics..."
You are correct to think that way, and it should be the same with JWs, Mormons and other religions.
These are Christianity-based and there are others. I say "based" because (a) they either ommit, ignore, add, or contradict parts of the Bible and/or (b) the people don't always fit the definition of a Christian as is in the Bible.
Also of the three mentioned, notice one thing in common: there's a figure of a "prophet" (loose definition, not Biblical) / authority through which rules, laws and interpretations of the Bible are given, and some even have books in addition to the Bible. Two red flags there: someone that "needs to interpret" the Bible and additional books (both are in conflict with what the Bible says).
Now answering your question: there are plenty of sources of information on this church, the others I mentioned, and more. One of the ones I can recommend is William Schnoebelen's book Lucifer Dethroned and some videos of his channel on YouTube. William was a catholic priest himself and talks about it in his book and in some of his videos.
Well, I believed in and practiced other stuff before becoming Christian. Same with many people I know. I don't recall any crusaders coming my way.
Sure, we're all born in different places and inherit what our parents pass on to us, whether it's true or not. Even pseudo-Christian religions are a form of deceit.
We can't choose the circumstances around us or where we're born but we can choose to make decisions.
Since we're in a conspiracy thread I think there's this book you might enjoy. It touches on a few aspects of conspiracy and is very well in line with other sources/authors I know. Not for the faint of heart though.
As someone interested in the occult she will surely enjoy this book. . You will also. I’ve been a Christian for maybe 30 years and this is a book I recommend everyone reads. Not for the faint of heart.
>"...she also said she's a vampire."
Legitimate recommendation here: I believe your friend will really enjoy this book .
I read it. It's really good. Really intense reading as well. Very detailed. There's quite a section on blood.
Eu ia escrever um comentário sobre a minha opinião sobre tudo isto, mas muito coincidentemente este vídeo foi publicado esta semana, e cobre não apenas a minha opinião mas muito mais coisas, inclusive o surgimento do JPL e da NASA, e outros fatos muito interessantes.
Quem fala no vídeo é William Schnoebelen, autor do excelente livro Lucifer Dethroned.
Retired satanists mostly disagree
Yes He will forgive you. I strongly recommend you (and anyone really) read this book: Lucifer Dethroned
A mushroom trip could eventually give you the experience, although I won't dig in to that.
There are two paths:
One is that a Christian that has found for him/herself that the Lord is good, applied the Word in his/her daily life, and found that the Word is indeed inspired by God, will learn through experience that what the Bible says is true. So even without necessarily seeing an angel or a demon, will know they exist.
The other path is via occult practices. The Bible mentions occult practices and warns against them, and there are many occult religions/sects involved in these practices. I have or had friends involved in some of them and that have shared their experiences.
Generally speaking, people find the supernatural attractive and many people, even Christians, are attracted in to the occult.
There are a few good books around that can give you an idea. You might find Lucifer Dethroned quite interesting. It's very detailed.
Edit: typo in link