There are casting kits you can get to capture hands. If this person is married it might be nice to do one with them holding hands.
That way their loved one with have a really nice memento. Personally the fact that this is something 3D and not 2D like a picture somehow makes that person more real even after they’re gone.
If they’re really young this works too and there are flat versions for hand and foot prints as week.
I have this item marked as “highest priority”. My SO and I have recently started looking for things to decorate our home since atm it’s very bare and boring. I thought this would make for a cute decoration plus it’s something I get to make with my SO 💖
Thanks for the contest! ☺️
I don’t think that’s foam, it looks to be a plaster casting kit. Like this.
I’ve never done it myself, but I’ve seen dozens of videos where couples use at-home cast kits to create plaster statues of holding each other’s hands.
This YouTube creator seems to know what he’s doing, and demonstrates how to create a model by pouring resin into a silicone mold. Looks like this technique allows you to reuse the same mold over and over.
I believe this is one of these handmade hand kits
This looks like someone made a plaster cast of their hand/hands, using a kit similar to this: