I have several problems with my neck and acid reflux when sleeping so getting a good pillow is a fucking chore. A lot of the neck pillows aren't hard enough and I still have the issue of reflux.
I finally got this about 4 days ago and I've never slept so fucking good. I honestly forgot what good sleep feels like before acid-reflux and vertebrae issues
Yes it was WAY WAY outside the budget I'd like for a pillow but honestly the last 3 nights have been amazing.
Hey so I would suggest getting this. It’s a life saver and I still use it for reading in bed. It will help ensure you’re sleeping upright and ensure that you are comfortable. https://www.amazon.com/Lunix-Orthopedic-Comfortable-Adjustable-Sleeping/dp/B07ZP6SJDQ
I'm glad to hear that this type of pillow/wedges is helpful. I just got this gem in the mail today and am currently test driving it/loving it! Hope it proves helpful post-ACDF in a week.
Note: yes, it was spendy. Spouse and I each have low back issues as well so I'm sure we'll appreciate using it long after my recovery.
I have no room for any additional furniture in my home. I got this https://www.amazon.com/Lunix-Orthopedic-Comfortable-Adjustable-Sleeping/dp/B07ZP6SJDQ
My brother purchased it for me and had it sent to my house.
I'm about 4 months post-op. I still use parts of it every once in a while. It also came in handy when my teenage daughter was sick. Her coughing was worse when she was completely horizontal so this set-up helped her get a more restful sleep.
Bed wedge pillow set like this one: Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, Post Surgery Memory Foam for Back, Neck and Leg Pain Relief. Sitting Pillow, Comfortable and Adjustable Pillows Acid Reflux and GERD for Sleeping Brown https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZP6SJDQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_1DVS59XF3EEX69W2WK2F?psc=1
No endoscopy yet, am waiting on one next month. I had to sit up a lot too, basically the only way I can sleep is on a wedge pillow.
This is the one I use and I’ve been able to sleep pretty well as of late.
Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, Post Surgery Memory Foam for Back, Neck and Leg Pain Relief. Sitting Pillow, Comfortable and Adjustable Pillows Acid Reflux and GERD for Sleeping Brown https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZP6SJDQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_KYWFQ1YXYGJ5265T91XH
I have this: Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, Post Surgery Memory Foam for Back, Neck and Leg Pain Relief. Sitting Pillow, Comfortable and Adjustable Pillows Acid Reflux and GERD for Sleeping Brown https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZP6SJDQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_WQXKYMCRD79066WESHZM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
With a good travel neck pillow. That and all the drugs in me made me sleep pretty good the first night
I haven't had my lumpectomy yet but I did have a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy. My brother bought this for me. It was so helpful. I plan on using this post lumpectomy too.
if you have a lot of extra money and fast shipping i seriously recommend a fancy wedge pillow (like this one). currently the only thing letting me get a decent night's sleep
if you have a LITTLE extra money and fast shipping this specific neck pillow is really excellent for sleeping upright because it supports your chin, it got me through my first week post-surgery. wiggle it around until your head is minimally flopped over
honestly my best rec is just – overdo it on the pillows as much as you possibly can. sit up propped against a ton of pillows in bed and have somebody wall you in on either side with more pillows so your arms have a place to rest. if you have a couch with a lounger it's worth trying to set up there and steal the back cushions from the rest for your mighty pillow fortress. sometimes i've ended up basically sleeping kneeling because it distributes the weight away from my sad sore ass.
godspeed my friend
This is mine, very comfy and versatile:
Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZP6SJDQ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, P… | $199.97 | $199.97 | 4.5/5.0 |
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I bought this set. Saved my sanity.