Got these orthopedic pillows
And they help a lot.
Omg spinning non stop? Mine stops eventually i just feel hungover unsteady... cannabis can help just pick one for nausea. Dramamine or bonine. Ice pack on the back of the neck. I take lorazepam for anxiety attacks or I do breathing but you said that doesn't work. I sleep with special pillows and I have a headband bluetooth I can listen to music with and cover my eyes
Oversized pj shirts that have buttons. I bought 100% cotton Nautica pj shirts and I am so thankful for them. Also any bottoms that are easy to pull up. I'm 3 days post op and I cannot pull up or down my pants. A bed tray for eating and stuff is very useful. Get many different things your son likes to eat and drink.
Also, if it's in your price range, I got a wedge pillow set for post surgery on amazon that is truly amazing and helping me sleep. Get a travel pillow to sleep with, so his neck isn't cranked to the side. Seriously, if you can get the pillow set, do it. It makes sleeping and resting during the day very easy.
This is the pillow set I bought:
This is my first surgery I remember (had surgery as a baby) and it's a lot on me. I can't do much on my own and my wife has to do everything for me. He may be different, but be prepared to be a full-time caregiver.
I got a wedge pillow on Amazon that came with a piece that goes under my knees and that thing has been worth every penny I paid for it. I’m a side sleeper and I toss and turn a lot normally, but I have been able to sleep comfortably on this thing every night for two weeks without waking up sore.
Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, Post Surgery Memory Foam for Back, Neck and Leg Pain Relief. Sitting Pillow, Comfortable and Adjustable Pillows Acid Reflux and GERD for Sleeping Navy
I bought this pillow before surgery, since laying down was not enjoyable then either (extreme reflux, painful belly, and all that fun stuff). It's been a lifesaver after surgery. I still haven't got my normal sleep routine back 2 weeks post-op, but this thing helps me get some sleep every night and it's much easier to get in and out of bed! It's very customizable and comfy.
Post Surgery Memory Foam Pillow
I've read it's normal to have sleep issues after surgery, so fingers crossed things get back to normal for us both and maybe the pillow will help in the meantime. Good luck friend!
I am having my TT/gyno/lipo out of state in October. I am also planning on staying 10 days. I was concerned about finding a way to sleep on an incline in a hotel, so I ordered this set of surgical pillows from Amazon. They’ve already arrived and look like a great solution. Might want to take a look.
There are a lot of good comments here already. I'll add a little bit more based on my experience. Surgery in August, repairing a full tear of the supraspinatus, sub-acromial decompression, clavicle excision, biceps tenodesis, 3 anchors total, in my dominant arm. Also had a partial tear of the labrum; not sure if that was repaired. Short-term disability from work helped make sure I could just focus on recovery. Hope you have that available to you.
I didn’t have a recliner as many people had recommended but did end up getting this: Https://\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and it works really well. I’m still somewhat achy, but not bad. I still use this wedge pillow system this far out, though I’m now able to sleep on my non-dominant side.
If you take oxycodone, make sure you take whatever stool softener your doctor will provide too. Eat lots of fiber.
When you’re tired, sleep. That first week I must’ve taken about two or three naps a day.
If you do any kind of work at a computer, voice to text software will be very helpful.
Some people use ice machines to help cool down inflammation; I used large reusable ice packs. Whatever you choose, make ample use of that ice. It really does work.
Elastic waist pants, like sweatpants are a must.
Instead of regular floss, floss picks can be used with just one hand.
The first week or so is when you’ll need the large shirts. You can cut them up and attach a Velcro, which is easier than buttoning. There are a lot of instructions online.
Get a sense of what your PT will be like and follow the directions. You may have a choice about whether you see the doctor’s in-house physical therapist or an independent one. I see an independent one largely because I had seen this person before. We had an existing relationship. What I didn’t realize was that doctors want you to go to their physical therapists because, well, they have more control and will financially benefit. The problem is that surgeons are experts at surgery. Physical therapists are experts at that. Just because a surgeon is a great surgeon doesn’t mean they understand physical therapy. So any PT working within a doctor’s office may mean that they don’t have as much independence. I love my surgeon, and all my friends who have seen that offices PT’s have warned me against using that doctor’s office PT.
My PT informed me that there are few phases to recovery. At some point you’ll be able to take the sling off during the day. This is the tricky phase; because you’ll think you’re able to do more than you really can, or should.
I second the recommendation to put something in the sling to prevent chafing: whether it’s microfiber towels, or an old silk handkerchief, heck even a dishtowel has worked.
A friend offered to set up a meal train for us. This was really hard to say yes to because were pretty independent, but will admit it really helped. Let your friends know what’s going on. Hopefully one of them will offer to do a meal train. Take them up on it.
It’s hard not to think about what you used to be able to do. Agree with the advice to focus on what you can do and do that. You’ll be finding new milestones for yourself. Even though it seems silly, being proud of the day that you can tire on sneakers is a heck of a lot better than feeling down.
Good luck with your surgery. Hoping it all goes smoothly for you.
These are the ones I purchased:
Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed...
Carex Toilet Seat Riser - Adds...
Some people prefer having a lift chair to having wedge pillows and some people prefer the pee funnel to the toilet riser. I guess it’s all personal preference, but this is what worked for me!
Thanks for this list! I had my septoplasty and turbinate reduction last Friday and it was very helpful to have this post and subreddit to prepare for it. Here are a few additional tips that you may find helpful.
I live in the San Francisco area, so I went to UCSF for my surgery. My septum was deviated but not by a huge amount. I also had had a sinus infection that led to inflammation that persisted for almost two years, so my ENT thought that surgery would be a good solution for me. My doctor told me that he only needed splints in 20% of cases. I had no stuffing or splints in my nose after the surgery, just self-dissolving stitches. I had almost no nausea after the surgery, and almost no pain, either, despite not having a high pain tolerance. I bled a lot for a day and a half, swapping out gauze regularly, but it slowed down after that, and I could breathe through my nose a little 2 days later. I'm still recovering, and I'm taking a week off of work, but I feel somewhat normal at this point, four days later. My doctor told me that some people get the surgery on Friday and go back to work on Monday, and while he recommended taking time off, it was nice to know that was theoretically a possible outcome. I can already tell that I will be able to breathe much better through my nose once I'm all healed up, and that I'll even be able to smell and taste better too, which is a delightful surprise. I still have a long way to go to being fully recovered, but I'm already very glad I got the surgery! It was completely worth it. If you're considering it, I hope you have a more mild experience, too.
Perfect thanks for sharing. By any chance, was standing any issues for you. I work remote so I’m trying to figure what to do after my first week post op.
I bought these to stay in a good position in bed and do some work. Will be walking around every 30min but you think it would be okay to work in that position? I do have a stand up desk I will be using as well.
I actually work on my guest bed with this set of orthopedic pillows and a large lap desk. It's helped a lot!
Pillows: Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, Post Surgery Memory Foam for Back, Neck and Leg Pain Relief. Sitting Pillow, Comfortable and Adjustable Pillows Acid Reflux and GERD for Sleeping Navy
Lap desk: Cooper Mega Table [XXL Extra Large] Folding Laptop Desk for Bed, Laptop Stand for Bed and Sofa, Bed Table | Drawer, Book Stand, Phone Stand, Leg Space
There’s a nighttime routine?
I just go to bed. The pillow is a wedge pillow. There aren’t pillowcases for it.
This is what I use to sleep on. Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set
This has worked well. It doesn’t allow me to roll so you should be good.
Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed...
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, P… | $199.97 | $199.97 | 4.6/5.0 |
LightEase Memory Foam Leg, Knee, Ankle Support an… | $36.99 | $36.99 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Lunix LX5 4pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, P… | $199.97 | $199.97 | 4.6/5.0 |
LightEase Memory Foam Leg, Knee, Ankle Support an… | $36.99 | $36.99 | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
I currently have a broken leg and accidentally breaking my arm from a fall now is my worst fear. I’m so sorry this happened to you.
I ordered this wedge pillow set and this elevation pillow on Amazon for my broken leg.
I also grabbed an overbed table on wheels since I work from home, along with a waterproof cast cover and a bath chair for showers.
It’s amazing what I found just by entering in “broken leg accessories” on my Amazon app while in the hospital. Feel better soon and hope this helps!
I had my lap Friday before last. I was really nervous as well; the unknown causes me a lot of anxiety and there was a lot of unknown. Remember that your doctor wouldn’t be doing the procedure if they didn’t think there was a strong chance you had endo. If they don’t find it, that’s also no longer and unknown and you’re a step closer to finding out what’s causing your pain. If it helps: my lap did confirm endo and my symptoms were more mild than most cases I read about on here.
I was most surprised that the pain was no where near as bad as I thought it would be. My worst endo pain is usually about a 8/9 and my surgery was never worse than a 6. My doctor was great so I think that helped, and she also avoided narcotics in favor of neuroblockers.
I took 2 weeks off work, I’m feeling mostly better. I do still have most of the glue in my incisions so I’m struggling to comfortably wear pants. I’ll likely work from home the next 2 weeks after my PTO is up just because of the pants issue.
Here are the things that I found to be essential to help me through it:
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS TO ASK: - Can I use heat or ice after the procedure? - When can I return to pelvic floor PT? (If applicable) - Will you provide me with pictures/videos? - If you find endo, are there limitations on where and what form you’re willing to remove? (My doc was transparent about leaving anything on my sciatic nerve because walking is more important) - What level of pain/bleeding should I be concerned about?
PRODUCTS: - I don’t have a recliner to keep me upright, so I invested in this pillow set. It’s essential if you can swing it. The gas pain I had was very minimal because I made sure to prop myself up. - Night shirts are essential, I am living in them. Brands I bought off Amazon include WiWi, Ekouaer, and Avidlove. I wore an Old Navy t shirt dress to the hospital for the procedure, also highly recommend. - Aerie Real Me Boyfriend Underwear saved me. I have a Kardashian booty, so the mesh hospital undies didn’t fit me well. The pads would fall off due to the bad fit but I bought these a size bigger than I needed and it’s been a lifesaver. AERIE: - I didn’t want to use narcotics for my procedure, and my doctor was very respectful of that. That being said, ice was (and 4 days later still is) my best friend. I was turned on to Yuyu bottles from another user for period pain (they’re basically water bottles that you can wrap and tie around you). During surgery, I’ve been putting them in the freezer and it’s THE BEST. It’s the only way I could can asleep. You could also use bags of frozen peas in a pinch. - I took this tiny pillow in my backpack and used it to cushion my stomach from the seatbelt on the ride home from the hospital. Very important! I also keep this on my lap so I don’t accidentally push on my incisions. - Meds: Tylenol, Motrin, Gas-X, Stool Softeners (Dulcolax), Miralax just in case (I had to use it once), and ginger candies (for nausea). - Some other things that helped me: dry shampoo, Summer Eve wipes, pads, pantry liners, Equilibria CBD, a loofa on a handle (meant for your back but I used it to reach my legs without bending), and a magnetic cable wrangler (Smartish Cable Wrangler -...
PREPARATIONS: - Have everything you normally bend over to get to moved up. For example, I moved my pads from under the sink to a small basket in the counter, and put all my nightshirts and sized up underwear in a laundry basket and put them on the couch. - Have LOTS of liquids on hand - bottled water, peppermint tea, Gatorade, liquid IV, broth, bone broth, hot cocoa, etc. Make sure that you don’t have to bend to get to them. I had cottonmouth from the anesthesia for 3 days. - Try to prep at least a pot of soup. East small meals the first day, and try to get some fiber in (carrots, oranges, cantaloupe, etc) to help avoid constipation. - Have the fridge full. Make sure you have bread, milk, eggs, butter, cereal, soups, anything you need for at least 5-7 days. Have a friend/partner/delivery service (be careful about lifting!!) lined up if you need anything while recovering. - Clean your space. It’ll be easier to spend time in if it’s clean. - Do as much laundry as you can before. Clean bedding, towels, and clothes ready to wear will make recovery much smoother. - Queue up your entertainment. It can get frustrating having to find something to watch/do.
Best of luck! 🍀
I posted this as part of a response the other day but I’ll repost here. I had my lap on Friday and I’m still recovering.
PRODUCTS: - I don’t have a recliner to keep me upright, so I invested in this pillow set. It’s essential if you can swing it. The gas pain I had was very minimal because I made sure to prop myself up. - Night shirts are essential, I am living in them. Brands I bought off Amazon include WiWi, Ekouaer, and Avidlove. I wore an Old Navy t shirt dress to the hospital for the procedure, also highly recommend. - Aerie Real Me Boyfriend Underwear saved me. I have a Kardashian booty, so the mesh hospital undies didn’t fit me well. The pads would fall off due to the bad fit but I bought these a size bigger than I needed and it’s been a lifesaver. AERIE: - I didn’t want to use narcotics for my procedure, and my doctor was very respectful of that. That being said, ice was (and 5 days later still is) my best friend. I was turned on to Yuyu bottles from another user for period pain (they’re basically water bottles that you can wrap and tie around you). During surgery, I’ve been putting them in the freezer and it’s THE BEST. It’s the only way I could can asleep. You could also use bags of frozen peas in a pinch. - I took this tiny pillow in my backpack and used it to cushion my stomach from the seatbelt on the ride home from the hospital. Very important! I also keep this on my lap so I don’t accidentally push on my incisions. - Meds: Tylenol, Motrin, Gas-X, Stool Softeners (Dulcolax), Miralax just in case (I had to use it once), and ginger candies (for nausea). - Some other things that helped me: dry shampoo, Summer Eve wipes, pads, pantry liners, Equilibria CBD, a magnetic cable wrangler (Smartish Cable Wrangler -...
I had my lap on Friday morning; here are the things that I found to be essential to help me through it:
QUESTIONS: - What are signs of infection to watch for? - How much can I lift after surgery? - Can I use heat or ice for pain? - When can I return to work? - When can I return to pelvic floor PT? (If applicable) - Will you provide me with pictures/videos? - When can I shower? When I can I submerge my incisions? (take a bath) - If you find endo, are there limitations on where and what form you’re willing to remove? (My doc was transparent about leaving anything on my sciatic nerve because walking is more important) - What level of pain/bleeding should I be concerned about?
PRODUCTS: - I don’t have a recliner to keep me upright, so I invested in this pillow set. It’s essential if you can swing it. The gas pain I had was very minimal because I made sure to prop myself up, even while sleeping. It takes all the strain off of my abs. - Night shirts! I am living in them. Brands I bought off Amazon include WiWi, Ekouaer, and Avidlove. I wore an Old Navy t shirt dress to the hospital for the procedure, also highly recommend. - Aerie Real Me Boyfriend Underwear saved me. I have a Kardashian booty, so the mesh hospital undies didn’t fit me well. The pads would fall off due to the bad fit but I bought these a size bigger than I needed and it’s been a lifesaver. AERIE: - I didn’t want to use narcotics for my procedure, and my doctor was very respectful of that. That being said, ice was (and 4 days later still is) my best friend. I was turned on to Yuyu bottles from another user for period pain (they’re basically water bottles that you can wrap and tie around you). During surgery, I’ve been putting them in the freezer and it’s THE BEST. It’s the only way I can asleep. You could also use bags of frozen peas in a pinch. - I took this tiny pillow in my backpack and used it to cushion my stomach from the seatbelt on the ride home from the hospital. Very important! I also keep this on my lap so I don’t accidentally push on my incisions. - Meds: Tylenol, Motrin, Gas-X, Stool Softeners (Dulcolax), Miralax just in case (I had to use it once), and ginger candies (for nausea). - Some other things that helped me: dry shampoo, Summer Eve wipes, pads, pantry liners, Equilibria CBD, a magnetic cable wrangler so my chargers wouldn’t fall and need to be picked up (Smartish Cable Wrangler -...
PREPARATIONS: - Have everything you normally bend over to get to moved up. For example, I moved my pads from under the sink to a small basket in the counter, and put all my nightshirts and sized up underwear in a laundry basket and put them on the couch. - Have LOTS of liquids on hand - bottled water, peppermint tea, Gatorade, liquid IV, broth, bone broth, hot cocoa, etc. Make sure that you don’t have to bend to get to them. I had cottonmouth from the anesthesia for 3 days. - Try to prep at least a pot of soup. Eat small meals the first day, and try to get some fiber in (carrots, oranges, cantaloupe, etc) to help avoid constipation. - Have the fridge full. Make sure you have bread, milk, eggs, butter, cereal, crackers, soups, anything you need for at least 5-7 days. Have a friend/partner/delivery service (be careful about lifting!!) lined up if you need anything while recovering. - Clean your space. It’ll be easier to spend time in if it’s clean. - Do as much laundry as you can before. Clean bedding, towels, and clothes ready to wear will make recovery much smoother. - Queue up your entertainment. It can get frustrating having to find something to watch/do.
Best of luck! 🍀