Congratulations, man! One thing that I can’t recommend enough is this pillow. My friend used one after his hysterectomy, and it is one of the most helpful pillows I’ve ever used. It’ll make sleeping, getting out of bed, and just resting in general a whole lot easier because you won’t need to constantly adjust 2 or 3 pillows throughout the day. Best of luck with your surgery and recovery!
A wedge pillow ( ,neck pillow ( ), and leg pillow ( ) I sleep on my side and it was so hard trying to sleep on my back. I ended up buying these for my revision surgery and loved them.
Also lots of ice packs! My doctor’s office suggested frozen peas but they just ended up smelling terrible so I used green beans.
Good luck!
I had the same procedures done.
Before surgery, I was going to PT to build up some strength in areas where I would need it. I also started doing a lot more upper body workouts as I realized I would need more upper body strength to get in out of the bed (has come in handy). I also tried to shave off a few pounds to try to help post-op. I think those were all things I thought would be helpful to me. But I did go into surgery fairly fit overall.
Honestly, find a surgeon that does a lot of hips. I got the nerve block and it reduced postop pain for 24-36 hours and I didn't need any pain killers just naproxen. But again that might have just been me.
Buy the things you need ahead of time - grabber, ice machine (if insurance isn't covering it), walker, spring for the better crutches if offered as it was far more comfortable, etc...this subreddit has been an awesome resource. I bought a wedge pillow set ( and saved my life in terms of comfort. It helped sleeping on my back, being in the CPM machine, sitting up to ice, etc...
I did mine 11/2 as I figured I'd be more mobile by the holidays, but at this point I'd probably wait. But also my pain was really bad so I was already limited in mobility.
I wish you the best of luck when you get it done!
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Lunix LX6 3pcs Orthopedic Bed Wedge Pillow Set, P… | $89.97 | $89.97 | 4.5/5.0 |
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This is the one I got here but it's like 85 bucks. I do like it a lot though!