Well me being the amateur cosplay that I am I might have an answer for you on that front, a lot of us go with LED Light strips there cheap lightweight, and are easily attached to clothing
One quick trip to Amazon
Lychee 1M Neon Glowing Strobing Electroluminescent Robbin El Tape Belt, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008GXRL1O/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_2V9RXZGQG74MH4H4XCJX
Yes. It has 3 modes. Steady, slow blink and fast blink. Here’s a link to the EL tape I’m using:
Lychee 1M Neon Glowing Strobing Electroluminescent Robbin El Tape Belt, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008GXRL1O/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Pt5sFb22ZNK0D
I don’t have a video of the install, but I can produce one and I’ll try to do that soon.
It’s really easy stuff.. it’s double sided taped with 3m trim tape. The unit is powered by 2 AA batteries and up converts to 12v. How you mount it is up to you- I am getting a sound activated driver for it and will basically mount it underneath the board inconspicuously.
Hope that gets you started-
You mean like this?
Oh wow, those are very thick. EL tape is much thinner (though it does dim at the ends if the strip is very long).
I actually gave a full list of tools & materials in the imugr description, but it doesn't really include a step by step work instructions.
> So I spent Caucus night building this while Bernie was lighting up Iowa. The sign is located in Cupertino, California who wants to go light brigading? Also I have extra sign backing so if someone wants to put in the time and materials to make another 2 signs.
>Materials Required:
>2 ft x 6 ft black corrugated plastic
>1 m blue EL strip with driver, qty 2 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008GXRL1O?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00)
>5 m 12v LED strips, qty 2 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HSF65MC?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s02)
>12v DC Battery (I used a 6000 mAh battery, but I haven't done any battery life testing http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00U2PVX36?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00)
>Wire (preferably 2 different colors)
>Tools Needed: >Wire cutters, >Wire strippers, >Soldering iron, >Scissors, >Hot glue gun
>Solder Joints: 65 in lettering to connect everything to power. More if switching or sequencing is desired.
>Total build time: I spent roughly 8 hours building the sign. This included some of the design time of the actual lettering. I wasn't really keeping that close of track of time. I also wasn't working extremely fast or diligently. I was also working by myself.
>Total Cost: $48.84 + Battery Costs ($40 in this case) + Shipping + $23.79 in unused materials (the plastic comes in 4 ft x 8 ft sheets) = $112.64 for the entire project out of pocket expenses.
In general to make the lettering I picked a "box" size that each letter of text had the fit into. The LED strips are segmented every 2 inches, so pick a box size that is a multiple of that. I did 12 in by 4 in for the small lettering and 16 in by 6 in for the "capital letters". Pick a sizing that works for you. The each letter box in a work is spaced 1 in apart. The LED strips have an adhesive backing, so just stick it right on the backing.
The blue underlining is 1 inch below the lettering and is the EL strips. Each word underline has its own driver that requires 2 AA batteries. These will usually run for about 6ish hours before requiring changing because it gets too dim.
Every time you change directions you need to solder positive to positive and negative to negative. The strips are have pads at the end of each segment that are labeled and can be soldered to. Each letter is wired up and has a single pair of wires coming out the back of the sign. Currently they are all wired up together so there is a single switch on the battery that turns the lettering on and off.