I have an old Yamaha keyboard. I got this adapter from Amazon aand it works perfectly.
M-Audio Midisport Uno | Portable 1-in/1-out MIDI Interface via USB connection (16 x 16 MIDI channels) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00007JRBM/ref=cm_sw_r_em_apa_i_sM-eEb028H89G
Sorry for commenting on an old thread but I was looking into getting the ES110 because it’s relatively cheap in my country compared to the typical alternatives. Regarding the lack of MIDI USB, can you completely get around it by purchasing an adapter such as this? https://www.amazon.com.au/M-Audio-Midisport-Portable-Interface-connection/dp/B00007JRBM?th=1
I want to be able to connect this piano to the computer and use Pianoteq to simulate a high quality instrument.
I’m using this m audio midi. in and out. https://www.amazon.com/M-Audio-UNO/dp/B00007JRBM Already ordered a totally standard cable (midi in/out)
I have tried usb to phone charger and usb 3.0 laptop for power.
Maybe it’s just the midi cable. Midi in on volca and out on keystep
No you wouldn't have the problem.
If you get a MIDI to USB adapter, the Driver is now for THAT device, not the keyboard.
Honestly though, many of those adapters are kind of sketchy. This is one the best ones I've used that's inexpensive:
The ones that are just MIDI on one end and USB on the other worry me - you can try one though they're pretty cheap.
Any of these will have their own driver (or may be class compliant and not need one) but that's for the converter/adapter itself, not the keyboard.
The Keyboard's MIDI Out to this device doesn't make a difference.
You may have to check a setting in the CME though to make sure it sends out the MIDI port and not the USB - sometimes it automatically sends over either one, but other times you need to change a setting to make sure the MIDI Out is coming out the physical port.
The adapter I linked to has a little LED light on it to show you if it's getting MIDI input or not - that's another reason I like that one.
Yes, absolutely get a MIDI to USB cable. These work great: http://www.amazon.com/M-Audio-Midisport-Uno-MIDI-Interface/dp/B00007JRBM
Then use one of the pianos in Garageband - the best part is that if you fluff a few notes, you can fix them in the piano roll in Garageband - super easy!
and i have no issues.
dunno about the one you linked. i'd just be worried about support and driver updates, etc.
im sorry i dont use garageband.
That's the one I got. I've used it successfully to interface the Rock Band 3 keytar with my cell phones via OTG USB. So MIDI OUT goes to the keytar, USB goes to the OTGB USB adapter (basically a usb to micro usb adapter) and that went into the phone. And it worked. Didn't need to touch a computer. I've also used it with REAPER to record input from both a Roland HD1 e-kit and the keytar.
MIDI is a pretty standard cable, so it's not that it's outdated. It's just that you need a USB converter to run it to your computer directly if you don't have a separate controller or anything of that sort.
I've done that in the past with a device similar to this one https://www.amazon.ca/M-Audio-USB-Midisport-MIDI-Interface/dp/B00007JRBM/ref=pd_vtp_23_1/143-6046663-7314467?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00007JRBM&pd_rd_r=cdeed5df-b5c5-4a15-b3aa-f0a8b06d227b&pd_rd_w=Ykw18&pd_rd_wg=Ry8YM&pf_rd_p=0a2e1d15-5f67-4917-b635-3843e028c1f8&pf_rd_r=2X3EF604HYBV9EWEQ5C3&psc=1&refRID=2X3EF604HYBV9EWEQ5C3
if it has Midi Ports in the back, all you need is This
10years ago My 1st midi controller was a old Yamaha Psr, and i had used a cheaper version of that wire from eBay for $5. I couldn't find it on eBay tho
Here's an M-Audio MIDISPORT 1x1 for £22 but the seller is open to offers. I personally prefer the flexibility of a separate interface and MIDI cables but if you want an all-in-one solution then the M-Audio Uno is also £22 on Amazon.
never mind, found the answer?
I’m also using this midi https://www.amazon.com/M-Audio-UNO/dp/B00007JRBM
Don’t even know if it works in the midi in and out. Orderd a standard one.
Suspect the interface. A MIDISport Uno is a cheap but reliable way to start.
I use this one (albeit not for music, but for live performance) and Amazon is showing it delivering Friday.
I have one of these lying around just in case I come across equipment with midi but not USB:
It is also useful for equipment like the Korg Electribe or old drum machines without USB. It will allow you to use your keyboard as a controller for VST synths within your DAW.
However the Midisport 1x1 does not come with midi cables. So you will have to buy two midi cables. If you do not want to do that then the Midisport Uno comes with the midi cables attached:
You need a midi to usb adapter, noy just a converter cable. I use this one with no issues. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00007JRBM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_eSnQzb85RTDDA
Make sure that's the kind of adapter you're trying to use.
Nope, just a midi interface. You can get them cheap. Something like this works, it's what I used https://www.amazon.ca/M-Audio-USB-Midisport-MIDI-Interface/dp/B00007JRBM
You need to understand what the cables are for. The MIDI OUT cable is to be connected to your device's MIDI OUT - this is where the device is sending out signals from. The MIDI IN cable is to be connected to your device's MIDI IN - this is where a software or another MIDI device send signals INTO your device. Most MIDI keyboards will have both IN and OUT. The RB3 keytar only does MIDI OUT. So you connect your adapter's MIDI OUT cable to it. Then you connect the USB end to the PC. You might need specific drivers for your adapter. Then you need software that is capable of accepting MIDI input over USB, and set it to do that. REAPER will accept it, that's the only one I've used. Then you can play on the keytar and record in REAPER or play back the audio as you're playing. Note that you can't play something on REAPER or another software and send to the keytar, since the keytar doesn't have MIDI IN. You can also use this method to connect to even a cell phone. This is an old video of mine showing the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIoik4aLByE
For reference I use this adapter: http://www.amazon.com/M-Audio-Midisport-Uno-MIDI-Interface/dp/B00007JRBM