I have 9 mil scoville sauce (hottest in the world) and 6.6 mil sauce (was third hottest when I got it a few years ago).
I got lots of people in my last office to try it. The 6.6 mil sauce only needs 1 drop to really light your mouth on fire for a good 10 minutes or so.
The 9-mil sauce requires warming it back up by putting the bottle into some hot water because it's solidified, but once you do, it only takes the tip of a toothpick to fucking ruin your next half hour. It's literally just pure capcasin extract. I'd do 10 drops of the 6.6-mil before I ever do another toothpick of the 9.
Was fun getting new folks to the office to try them.
Mad Dog 357 No. 9 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract, 1oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IIUEOEW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_32KVM2V0Q191BKKHBY2S
A friend bought me this and I have to use it with a toothpick to avoid putting too much on and I'll still hurt if I touch my face the next day. it's expensive but the amount on the cap when it's opened should stop this immediately just like dab the cap with a damp cloth and pretend you're cleaning the table
Oh, that one isn’t too bad. Notice on the front where it says “over 1 million scoville?” I thought you had this which is 9 million scoville. The one you have does have extract in it - note the bottom where Chile extract is the second to last ingredient. However, the fact that it is second to last means it’s in a pretty small concentration. It will still be pretty hot since the first ingredients being reapers and scorpions followed by vinegar means it’s basically a pepper mash.
That one you could try a drop on a chip and be fine. I mean, relatively speaking. It will still be decently hot depending on your tolerance for spicy stuff. But it’s not straight extract. If you’re concerned, definitely start with the toothpick. Though, keep in mind since it has peppers (and this pulp/seeds) and isn’t just pure extract, once you start using drops of the stuff, you might have relative “hot spots” where a drop has pulp and seed compared to the toothpick that did not.
Hope that helps!
At a certain point, anything with a significant amount of capsaicin will smell a bit weird, also vinegar is a pretty common ingredient in sauces, but for a puree it will smell more like capsaicin and death than anything else :P
I actually have a bottle of this right now, it cost me about $300 to import.
For a comparison that Dave's sauce that Goremond posted, the hottest pepper in it is the Habanero which is about 100,000 - 350,000 scoville units of heat, this stuff I have is 9 million scoville extract
So even at it's absolute hottest, my stuff is hotter than his sauce by a factor of 27 times or so.... it's one step away from crystallized capsaicin, which is basically the hottest thing you can consume as a human.
I like hot stuff :)
Yeah well a quick google search would have kept you from making an ass of yourself.
Pure capsaicin is 16 million scoville https://chilepeppers.com/p/about/capsaicin-and-scoville-units/
And yes. It can burn the skin. I wear gloves or hold it with a plastic bag when i use it
Sounds like you should invest in this:
800k Scoville units? Pfft. I have a bottle of this stuff in my kitchen. It's nine million Scoville units.
Used it in a chili cookoff at work a couple of years ago. 2-3 drops of it in an entire crockpot of chili, along with a whole bottle of Shit the Bed hot sauce. That was a balancing act between making the chili ultra-hot while not making it inedible.
This stuff is on a whole nother level. It's an extract so that's why it's such a small bottle but the price is just as hot lol
Capsaicin . Works great on mammals.
Rather see him put some Mad Dog 357 directly onto his tongue:
not spicy enough use this
Mad Dog No. 9 Plutonium Million Scoville Extract, 1 Ounce https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00IIUEOEW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_6quwBb3014D64 That one I will go with the hottest one I can find or maybe just go with collectors edition
Blairs is good.
They sell pepper extract too. 9 Million? Why not?
Mad Dog 357 No. 9 Plutonium 9 Million Scoville Pepper Extract, 1oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00IIUEOEW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Mes1zbRPVWMYN
Buy this
Put it in sandwich