Uh, truth. This book is a good start into the subject, but mental illness has only risen since the advent and widespread use of psychotropics. This isn't to say that they don't help some people (like myself), but they aren't the answer.
> that 15 times higher chance is absolutely meaningless
No its not. We know its not because one, 15 times is an impossibly huge percentage (1500%!!!) to pretend its not. Also we can ask them about what factor increased their risk of suicide.
> Just saying "I have thought of killing myself" isn't enough to get hospitalized.
Thats not true. People have been hospitalized for that. Also if they are actively suicidal, most of them will not be helped by being locked away.
> The posts on this subreddit do not equate to actual research and studies done
There now you have both empirical and anecdotal evidence. If you would like more theres a whole book on how poorly this practice has done.
This. For those who are truly curious, you might give "Mad in America" a read. America has abused its mental health system horrifically in the past. https://www.amazon.com/Mad-America-Medicine-Enduring-Mistreatment/dp/1501215469
Diet is the primary factor in depression, though I'm not sure going vegan is the right way
to go esp. if you're dealing with a B-12 or certain amino acids.
Also, stress can mess with your assimilation of what you eat, leading to nutritional
imbalances that can cause depression.
And as for meds, you might want to read a book called 'Mad in America' before you take
anything from the medical mafia.