A good book on this (at least that Ive read) is Mad in America by Robert Whitaker. The entire field is built on a house of cards
this is an excellent book on the bad science behind ssri's and snri's and how it relates to higher numbers of people becoming bipolar in our time compared to previously:
And that’s what’s wrong with this country. We treat mental health like something to hide away, something that someone does wrong and thus needs to be locked away like a prisoner.
With treatment like this, people don’t seek help when they need it. And they just get worse and worse and nothing gets better.
I had an old psychologist who told me that they used to depression by having the patients sand and restore old furniture or work in a garden. The patients hated the work but their depression improved drastically. And without medication.
There’s a great book about the history of mental health treatment in America.
Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill
I learned a lot from it
>If you dont have a comeback attack the language
hurts your feelings?
Before pulling out of your ass that you believe I know nothing about the subject, do a little search and get informed
I found another source that claims 2/3.
Another good thing to read about this subject is: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0465020143/?tag=freedradio-20
Oh and hey look from the American Psychological association.
I'm so full of shit. I am sorry for spewing bs. I will leave your voodoo doctor's alone.