A friend quoting this line to me saved my life and really changed it for the better.
I'm a big "tv fan" I guess you would call me - I consume media at nauseam and watch some tv shows again and again, even now I'm rewatching Mad Men for the 5th time with the companion book "Mad Men Carousel: The Complete Critical Companion" (strongly recommend).
I was in a job at a media company where I was underpaid, working under a brutal manager who ended up being dismissed (thankfully), and just in a dangerous headspace and point in my life. I had seen a job that I qualified for at another company but was too scared to apply.
My friend sent me the stills from that episode where Peggy is having flashbacks to Don sitting by her bedside at St Marys (knowing how big a fan of the show I was) and it really helped me see the wheat from the chaff and get out of the company.
Now I'm a happy copywriter - well, as happy as one can be - thanks to this scene helping me see that sometimes you can just bolt through trauma, you don't need to carry it with you.
Interesting idea. I'd further it by suggesting the book Mad Men Carousel: The Complete Critical Companion by Matt Zoller Seitz. I've seen some people on here trash it, but I did a watch-through about a year and a half ago during which I read Seitz's write-up about each episode after I'd watched it, to gain some further insight. You could read each one before you watch, and then you'd know what you're looking out for and what to pick up on.
I 100% agree. Didn’t even think of that. For a rewatch with a deep analysis, I recommend reading this book alongside each episode. It’s so good.