It's also worth noting that even if WoTC's storytelling dramatically shifted and went in a more mysterious direction, it can never be the same simply because of the internet. It would be a lot harder to create that enigmatic sense of discovery in modern day.
Another anecdote from ye olden days: Back in like '96 my cousin got his hands on this "Official Encyclopedia" and we spent hours just flipping through it, looking at all of these cards we'd never seen before. I still have that book in a box somewhere at my mom's house, and the sentimental value it holds for me is very powerful.
Now we can see full spoilers for entire sets before they're even released. We can look up any card ever printed in a matter of seconds, 24 hours a day. Hell, there's a whole wiki just for the lore- this little article alone would have blown my mind in the mid-90s!