I use this that I got from Amazon Magnaturals 37096 Rock Ledge Extra Strength Magnets, Large, Mojave https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003712U1Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2GXyBb2E6FAD4
My beardie loves it. It's a little pricey but looks really nice and it's easy to place it anywhere in the tank and super easy to clean
Mine is a L Mojave but there are some different colors and sizes! Just so you know, it comes with super strong magnets to set-up but my melamine cage was too thick for the magnets to work, so I used command strips and some silicone sealant to secure it on.
No actually I got them from amazon here’s the link. Magnaturals 37096 Rock Ledge Extra Strength Magnets, Large, Mojave https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003712U1Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_7I8OBbK746BWW they are magnetic so you can put them where you want
It is this guy I found on Amazon the other day. It's made of styrofoam and held up by strong magnets. Super neat! I like it a lot and so does the dragon!
Magnaturals 37096 Rock Ledge Extra Strength Magnets, Large, Mojave https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003712U1Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_y.fOBb43P1FMP got it from here. They have magnets that you put on the outside of the tank so you can put it were you want.
Thank you so much! It was fun designing it! Here’s my boy, Grayson’s, enclosure!
Links to where I got them from:
Amazon but it seems to be out of stock.