There will be challenges, but you are more than capable to take them on, and you'll be far the better for it. You'll have grown in ways that most people never get a chance to.
Here's a book about a female "eighteen-year-old dropout and barfly" that sailed around the world solo in a 26 foot sailboat. It might be helpful reading:
Enjoy the growth that comes with your unique adventure.
I like Maiden Voyage.
Nothing, in a way. I climb for my very own reasons and I really don't care or question other people motives. It is a bit besides the point for me.
I don't need recognition or confirmation from others, so I don't collect or have summit pictures as 'proof' for example. I would never seek media attention for that matter. I do wonder a bit if the kid came up with the idea all alone :-)
However, one of my favorite books is by Tanja Aebi who sailed around the world quite unprepared, yet I find her story inspirational. I also feel as if I connect to, or understand a bit, to Christopher McCandless
Surely you will be save if you stay home in front of the tv ( ok an exaggeration) but that doesn't strike me as the path to enlightenment or plain happiness. What a dull place the world would be if nobody ever did something outrageous, be it in art, sport, or anything