I haven't read it but I know the author goes into detail about brewing from wild yeast present in the honey and the environment. Probably how vikings did it.
One of the reasons I like mead is because I like to pretend that I'm a viking haha.
Zimmerman, J: Make Mead Like a Viking: Traditional Techniques for Brewing Natural, Wild-Fermented, Honey-Based Wines and Beers
Already take care of!!!
And now I have a book on my birthday list
Make Mead Like a Viking: Traditional Techniques for Brewing Natural, Wild-Fermented, Honey-Based Wines and Beers
>Do you cook for a living already?
No, I don't. I just like trying new recipes and experimenting.
On my most recent Skyrim play through I have been noticing more the food/cooking element in the game, which I usually ignore (unless I'm dying and need to scarf down a dozen wheels of cheese). Most of the foods are things that already exist in real life (like beef stew or garlic bread), but some things would take more experimenting. Either way, eating like in Skyrim appeals to me (My stomach belongs to the Nords).
My brother, who is more of a nerd than I am, has actually tried making his own mead and I know there are books on the subject. So that shouldn't be too difficult to try.
A number of the alchemy ingredients have real life equivalents too, but obviously it would be too dangerous (and stupid) to try to reproduce those recipes! (Also, where would one even find Vampire Dust or Giant's Toe?!)
>I love the way kitchens are set up in Skyrim. The way they have organic spices hanging up to dry, and barrels full of grain, etc. I would love to have the same set-up in my kitchen.
Ditto. I'm not sure it would be the more ideal storage for some foods, but I love the thatched cottage look of some Skyrim homes.
On a similar note, and not entirely related to Skyrim, during Witcher III I entered one of the homes in Oxenfurt and immediately fell in love with the style and decor. I really wish Skyrim had more homes like that in it. The exterior is very Tudor-esque, but the interior would not be out of place in Skyrim.
Brewing mead or wine is the laziest hobby ever with the best results! Start with this book, an open mind, and a good local source for your honey.
I've not personally read this book, but I've heard that others here have enjoyed it and I believe it covers how to use naturally occurring yeast:
My mother-in-law bought a book for me, which I have not yet finished, called Make Mead Like a Viking.
Again, I have not yet finished, it, but it is a guidebook by a guy who makes mead using captured wild yeasts using as close to traditional methods as he can while still making a safe drink. It's not my favorite way to work, but it's fascinating to see his process.
Edit: I take it this is an unpopular book, by the downvotes (a weird way to show that, in a sub mostly dedicated to helping people understand things). Can anyone tell me why it isn't considered good enough to be seen here?