Make the Bread, Buy the Butter is a book of things that a blogger tried making at home and compared the cost/convenience of making versus buying. I didn't agree with all of her conclusions, but it's worth reading for her experiences.
One that is out there, maple syrup. One year I decided to make maple syrup from trees in my yard. It takes 40 liters of sap to make one liter of syrup. It's not hard, it's just time consuming and you are boiling lots of sap. It was delicious and I don't regret doing it, but I've only done it the one time. Store bought is just as good and worth the money for good syrup.
I think you should check out the book Make the Bread, Buy the Butter to get a better idea for what you should or shouldn't spend your time and money on. Not all prepackaged things are inherently bad or unhealthy.
Jennifer Reese wrote a book called, “ Make the bread, buy the butter” it’s all about what’s worth making vs buying. Interesting read. Sounds like it might be what you’re looking for. Found it: Make the bread, buy the butter
This is a great topic! I prefer refrigerated, unbaked, pie crust like the pillsbury option that comes in the red box. If I’m making pie, that usually means I’m making a whole bunch of other stuff, too (like at Thanksgiving or Easter); it’s too convenient and too good to take the time and risk on homemade. However, there’s a great cookbook that’s a fun read called “Make the Bread, Buy the Butter” that compares dozens of homemade vs store ought foods and weighs in on which ones are best left to the professionals. Make the Bread, Buy the Butter: What You Should (and Shouldn't) Cook from Scratch to Save Time and Money
Der er faktisk en hel bog om netop dette emne, som jeg vil anbefale. Titlen er meget sigende: “Mke the bread, buy the butter”. Kan klart anbefales. Forfatteren har virkelig prøvet mange ting af. Se fx
I remember this book getting recommended from time to time whenever this topic pops up
Not a website, but this book is pretty much exactly what you describe: Make the Bread, Buy the Butter. Any chance you're thinking of a book instead?
There's a book comparing what items are worth making yourself and the name itself backs you up: Make the Bread, Buy the Butter
There's a book that I found to be an interesting read called "Make the Bread, Buy the Butter".
Basically the same types of insights as in this thread.
Exactly. A fun experiment, but not worth it in the long-run. Make the bread, buy the butter.
I just made yogurt yesterday for the first time ever and it was RIDICULOUSLY easy, you def don’t need a yogurt maker to do it. The parts where you have to intervene are same so you’re not really even saving any hassle with it. The most essential tool is an instant read digital thermometer. I followed a recipe in the (excellent!) book- ‘Make the Bread, Buy the Butter: What You Should (and Shouldn't) Cook from Scratch to Save Time and Money’, and also referenced the below guides.
I boiled milk on the stove, cooled it on the counter for 1 hour, added 1/4 cup of plain yogurt, then put it in my OFF instant pot overnight (for about 10 hours) (couldn’t use the oven bc I have flighty roommates), I then strained it with fine mesh cheesecloth for another 2 ish hours.
Easy Homemade Yogurt- Everyday Foods
Edits- cleaning up the links so they’re pretty
You may want to check out the book titled "Make the Bread, Buy the Butter"
There's a book for exactly this:
But yes deep frying, or making any sort of doughs for me is too much
This book is for you. My library has it.
You might be interested in a book I bought my daughter. "Make the Bread, Buy the Butter". It's all about this!
buy the butter, make the bread
Enjoy the book
I read a book about this a while ago: Make the Bread, Buy the Butter that tried to break down the cost/effort required to make things at home.