I used the OLED screen from amazon - Link to Product But a lcd monitor should be even easier to hookup imo. You can same-day ship things from Amazon depending on where you live.
Can you upload a picture of your wiring? I'll take a look
Thanks for the detailed response.
I thought this lcd had a microcontroller built into it, so that's why I was trying to push the code to it. I was, obviously, mistaken on that. Although I've tinkered with Pi's in the past (mostly setting up a OctoPrint server on one) the whole adding components thing is something I've been scared to do, and this is the reason why...
I also forgot to put this in the original post, but the lcd is indeed a SSD1306, specifically, this one
So, knowing that I would have to push the code to the Pi, would that override the OctoPrint server on it? If so, is there a way to run both simultaneously? I know that Pi's aren't supercomputers or anything, but I am running the OctoPrint server in CLI and not UI mode, so I would hope just another program running wouldn't be too much for it.
One of these: a 0.91" I2C 128x32 pixel monochrome display.
I really like this idea!
I'd suggest an ESP8266 or ESP32 which you can program with Arduino. Personally I lean toward ESP32 boards these days because it's more powerful and more flexible all around, but you'd probably be fine with a cheaper ESP8266 like a wemos D1 mini. There are a lot of tutorials online for using the D1 mini, so it's a fairly good option.
Running two displays may be a little tricky, depending on the specific displays you want to use. For the number counter, a small 4-pin OLED like this might be a good choice, and there are a lot of options for the larger LCD for the roof. One of my favorite displays is the 240x240 IPS LCDs because it's really crisp, has great color, and excellent viewing angle, but that may be a bit small for what you want.
For connecting the two devices together, there are a lot of different options to choose from. Something like Firestore could work well and would be free and it's hosted by Google so should keep working. The other part to think about is how to get it online - do you know the wifi name and password so you can program them into it ahead of time, or would you need to provide some way to set it up?
How much time do you have to build and get this working?
Feel free to DM me if you have more questions or want suggestions - happy to provide more help for what sounds like a cool project!
Yeah, those are I2C SSD1306 OLED displays, like this: https://www.amazon.com/MakerFocus-Display-SSD1306-3-3V-5V-Arduino/dp/B0761LV1SD/
Why just not go for OLED displays ?