Its mostly a picture guide of how to use makeup to achieve the desired effects. It breaks down terminology and techniques used by makeup artists in the 90s. It’s a great book! It may be old but i find it’s not dated. It’s not so much about looks to try but tricks to master. My mom gave this to me when I was like in 8th grade ( like 12 years ago), so I have no idea if it’s still around
Edit .found it!
Try looking for a professional makeup artist that has experience with special effects. They might be a freelance artist, so don’t look for a salon. They will have an amazing Instagram story, so you will know ahead what you are getting capability wise. I’ve been a cosmetologist for almost 40 years. I’ve been trained in all kinds of makeup. If you really want MY advice, you really need to learn this yourself. Go get this book. It will explain highs and lows to you. It will explain almost any kind of makeup to you. It’s a makeup artists Bible for beginners. Kevin is gone, but he left us a beautiful guide!
Making Faces
Armani foundation makeup is a must if you have uneven skin tone. It's light and doesn't feel like it's there. Expensive but worth it.
Kevyn Aucoin “Making Faces” was groundbreaking though.
I recommend the book “Making Faces” by Kevin Aucoin: Making Faces
I bought Making Faces from a Barnes & Noble as a clueless 14 year old and tried to recreate each look judiciously (in the ancient time before the internets). Kevyn was unbelievably talented at bringing out the best in each client and is the reason I learned to love makeup in the first place. His step by step guides are still the best learning tool for application I've seen. He was <a rel="nofollow" href=";bih=796&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=1&amp;q=kevyn+aucoin+men%27s+step+by+step&amp;oq=kevyn+aucoin+men%27s+step+by+step&amp;gs_l=psy-ab.3...154254.158775.0.158995.">contouring before contouring</a>. I lived for his smokey eye in highshool along with the Marilyn - that's Lisa Marie Presley BTW. If you haven't read it, it is bible makeup education- absolutely mandatory!!