Sigh...these whippersnappers have never heard of "Manifold Destiny" the car-engine cookbook. ~~A bit out of date but~~* Definitely both practical and funny -- they even evaluate different car engines for cooking suitability.
*Looks like they've updated it in 2008. Mine is from the 90s.
Manifold Destiny
A great cookbook for those who like to cook while they're driving.
A guy I used to work with owned this book.
There is a book entitled Manifold Destiny that gives recipes and how-to's. I think it's still available on amazon. I've made a few, even on modern engines. Just have to remove some of the plastic.
Laugh if you want, and I doubt that a dishwasher will get any warmer than sous vide. But there was a book published years ago entitled "Manifold Destiny." There were actual recipes that were wrapped in foil and were placed on top of an engine area to achieve a sufficient temperature to cook whatever.
>[S]lap a ham steak under the hood of your car, hit the gas, and drive until you reach delicious -- which is in approximately fifty miles, depending on traffic.
shit; you can cook entire meals on an engine if you are making long trips. Here's the cookbook:
There's always the book Manifold Destiny the guide to cooking on your car's engine. For real. I've done it on a couple road trips and it works. My favorite so far is pastrami and ham with spices folded into tin foil pouch and I have "just the spot" on my engine where it won't slide off (well, I used to before I got the new car).
Also hard-boiled eggs work amazing well on the road - just keep them in the shell and peel just before eating or your car will smell like eggs in no time.
Using a microwave will ruin the texture of the bread. Assemble the sandwich, wrap in foil, and use the toaster oven you drove to work
Manifold Destiny: The One! The Only! Guide to Cooking on Your Car Engine!
I went down this tangent with a friend over the last few hours and here's the link for the book, superb name
In America some people use their car engines for cooking:
There's even a cookbook for it called Manifold Destiny.
Manifold Destiny, the cookbook.
Gotta move up to the next level
Behold Manifold Destiny, the car engine cookbook!
I had to Google it to believe it.
If it's securely wrapped, nestle the food in engine to keep it warm.
You can cook food that way, so don't choose the hottest part of the engine.
This. You don't even need to bother with a toaster oven if you've got a manifold handy:
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Here's an invaluable guide:
Or Manifold Destiny: The One! The Only! Guide to Cooking on Your Car Engine!
Have you read Manifold Destiny, the guide to cooking on your vehicle’s manifold?
You need Manifold Destiny!:
Ever hear of "engine burritos"?
That book is a really fun read, but it wasn't worth the cost I paid when it was out of print.
These cooking methods are great if you will be driving for several hours.
Here is a book about cooking with your engines heat
There is also a hot doggers thing you bolt onto your exhaust manifold. Stuff it with a burrito or little smokes...whatever.
You mean you don't keep honey mustard in there?
Maybe this will help:
Best one I have personally seen was a coil of copper pipe connected inline with the engine coolant, and a saucepan with lockable lid that went inside the coil