I HIGHLY recommend you add Mannahatta to your list. One of the best books on NYC out there.
I also recommend "Delirious New York" by Rem Koolhaas, especially the first section all about Coney Island.
Have you seen the book Manhatta?
Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City https://www.amazon.com/dp/1419707485/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_.DvGBb0ZQXMXA
I helped write the 3d landscape software used to generate some of the historical landscape images. I worked with a guy named Mark Boyer from the Wildlife Conservation Society fixing issues and limitations they found in the software while producing this book.
Super cool project and really well researched.
Non-mobile: giving credit to the creator
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
I believe this image is from Manahatta - which covers the natural history of Manhattan in-depth (books, web site, etc.) I know the author Eric Sanderson and he has spent decades researching the original topography, geology, nature, history, etc. via maps from the 1600's to Revolutionary War maps to today. Lower Manhattan (bottom pic) is surrounded by landfill (which is why it's so much wider than the original pic on top.)
The famousCastello Plan map (1660) illustrates lower Manhattan and the wall protecting the Dutch from Native Americans and later the British which is now what we all know as "Wall Street."
The Mannahatta Project is all about the nature in NYC in 1609 (though mainly Manhattan),
the book may help you,
and I.N. Phelps Stokes' Iconography of Manhattan Island (vol 2) has lots of historical maps.
For anyone that liked this, I suggest you take a look at the book Mannahatta by Eric W. Sanderson. It's really fascinating.