I started squatting when I was really skinny (110lbs). It can be really painful until you get a bit bigger. I see a lot of people suggesting pads but I would suggest this device called the Manta Ray. This is what I used when I first started and it really helped with positioning too. Keep working hard! :)
Manta Ray by Advanced Fitness, Squat Load Distribution Device, Barbell Pad Alternative https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0017DGBY8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_AM2R20QDCQH04PJBY0KC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You should consider trying out a Manta Ray. You could benefit if the weight starts to feel uncomfortable. You also use a high bar position and the Manta is geared towards that position. I used to use one until I got a Transformer bar.
Thanks for the feedback!
Btw what’s the general stance on using devices like the manta ray for training? The bar is uncomfortable on my shoulders, I’ve seen people use towels. https://www.amazon.com/Manta-Ray-Advanced-Fitness-Distribution/dp/B0017DGBY8
Congrats to this qualified explanation🤝. When I mentioned somewhen that one of my colleagues operated 2 or 3 professional lifters due to disc damage nobody wanted to belive.
Some say this device would be beneficial: https://www.amazon.com/Manta-Ray-Advanced-Fitness-Distribution/dp/B0017DGBY8
You have to have very well developed upper traps and the bar below c7 to do BB high bar squat. No shoulder issues and very well mobility. I have a guy with tennis ellbow issue comes from all the isomteric contraction and ellbow position. Generally, people using too heavy weights. We can do all the invented sport activities, but many times volume, intensity, impact,etc.....is too much for what we are made for on mid to long term. We see it everyday in practice.
There's some kind of macho BS against using a shoulder pad, which is bullshit. I use a Manta Ray-type thing at my gym, which makes squats waaaaaay more comfortable. I highly recommend one. Makes absolutely no difference on your lifts.
All this pad hate is hilarious. I love these bros calling it a "pussy pad" for "bitches." I guess that really disturbs their homoeroticism come gym time?
Unless you're training for a powerlifting comp where pads, etc. are against the rules, who gives a fuck how you do it, as long as:
you're squating (good for you!)
not hurting yourself
Hell, use a safety squat bar or a Manta Ray if it works for you and most importantly, gets you to SQUAT!
sounds like it could be a bar placement issue. i'd play around with it a bit and check out some guides online.
another option is to get the manta ray which will let you hold the bar in a high bar position while distributing the weight more evenly.
I haven't had much luck staving off elbow pain when doing low bar squats.
It's gotten so bad that I bought a Manta and have started doing high bar squats.
My elbows are slowly getting better.
I added in straight leg dead lifts to make up for the lack of posterior chain engagement when doing high vs low bar.
Benching was also starting to cause some discomfort, so, for now, it's dumbbell presses.
Getting old is not for the meek-
When I started squatting, I had no problems with pain. However, once I started making gains and squatting more weight, I would get shoulder pain/spine pain from the weight of the bar, as well as bruises where the bar laid. Look into buying one of these : http://www.amazon.com/Power-Systems-Manta-Ray/dp/B0017DGBY8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=sporting-goods&qid=1306784340&sr=1-3 It spreads the weight out on your shoulders evenly and the bar feels like it can't fall off. It lets you focus on your squat rather than worrying about pain or dropping the bar.
Although you should be certain that her form is down before she is using enough weight to hurt her shoulders. Have her start with just the bar, and add some weight each workout.
Whats wrong with using the pad?
Anything over 225 lbs. absolutely kills my neck, I can't stand it. Theres no way I would go without something to simply "man up".
("Upgraded" to one of these, I feel nothing on my neck)
It has the name right on it.
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Manta Ray by Advanced Fitness, Squat Load Distrib… | $44.95 | $44.95 | 4.5/5.0 |
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Maybe a manta ray?
I've used the manta ray and absolutely love it. We had these in our D1 gym and our trainers had no issues with it.
Manta Ray by Advanced Fitness, Squat Load Distribution Device, Barbell Pad Alternative https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0017DGBY8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_NNKwFb21E3VPA
It was only high bar the first 6 weeks and I almost bought a manta-ray
Get a the bar collar called a manta ray. It will be the most comfortable bar you have felt during squats. Completely distributes the weight and will make squatting better.
This is the one that they have at my local Y:
Pretty pricey but I feel zero pain using it.
this has helped me. I don't use the pad anymore since I feel it makes the bar likely to roll. Worth a shot.
I used to have an issue with bar position when I was squatting as well. No matter where I put the bar it seemed to irritate my shoulders. After looking around I found something called the Manta Ray and never looked back.
They make hard blue plastic shoulder things that aren't squishy like a pad. They feel nice and stable and distribute the weight better.
Edit: I've gotten a few comments calling this device a "Pussy Pad." I'll address all those comments at once.
If you'd read the comment, or clicked the link, you'd see that "pad" doesn't describe the object I'm referring to. It's a hard plastic device that is used in training to correct the bar position.
I don't understand "Pussy" as a derogative. My wife has a pussy, and her squat would turn all the teenagers making these comments in to blushing adolescent puddles.