FWIW I've heard a lot of complaints from dudes about women in their 30s being 'too picky' and among women at that age there's the line about 'wasting too much time with the wrong person.' When there's books for this set with titles like Marry Him: the Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough, you know there's a problem.
[PART 11]
>· To show women the consequences of rejecting Good Men for jerks and riding the cock carousel throughout their prime.
>The feminine imperative wants men and society to be okay with women's dual-mating nature. It wants men to be okay with women having a little fun before settling down. The problem with this is <strong>women largely reject the bottom 80% of men</strong> from even a date, let alone "fun", and they continue to reject these men when they're hitting the Wall and chasing the <strong>top 20%</strong> for commitment. Women then go on to think that their sexual history and poor choices in partners should have no consequences on their future behavior or relationships;[1][2] that they can ride the carousel throughout their prime, then somehow easily play the role of faithful, loving wife, and shouldn't be judged for her slutty behavior because "The past is the past, plus we weren't together at the time I enjoyed getting gangbanged by the college frat."
>But it's not until those women's looks have depreciated, the desirable men won't commit, and they have kids to provide for do they tend to settle for Mr. Good Enough - men who don't necessarily have the hottest bods or swag of the jerks she dated, but who make up for it with a dependable income, maturity, and family man qualities that the jerks aren't providing.
>But what women pushing 30 and over don't realize is that the kind, mature, financially stable men they meet and now want commitment from are often the <strong>Nice Guys</strong> they rejected in their prime. While women were partying with the bad boys, these decent men quietly improved their SMV over the years in ways appealing to women who want to settle down, except they remember the rejection and are responding in kind, opting instead to date younger women without kids.
>Our rejection of single moms and carousel riders posted on this sub is a reflection that the decent men of society - men who possess the commitment, maturity and financial stability these women now want - have no interest in<strong>finishing last</strong> after the joyride is over.
>And herein lies the biggest reason why r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen is so offensive: because we make women who are past their prime uncomfortable about their prospects of marrying the top 20% they think they deserve. After all, if we so-called "Nice Guys™", "misogynists", and "incels" don't want women with depreciated looks, kids, and a slutty past, then what does that say about the more desirable men who certainly have better options?