Looking for tips to make a shelf like this myself. I only have a few basic wood tools such as a circular saw, pocket hole kit, a drill, sander, and some glue. But. I'm going to attempt to build this here soon and trying to get ideas on choice of wood, joining the wood strongly, mounting style, and safe load rating for the end product. I'm considering 2x12 Construction style lumber or 1x12 oak "appearance" boards. Shopping woods at local big box store. I'd like to think Construction 2x12s would be strong due to the thickness, but it's also a soft wood. I think 1x12 would appear better visually, but I'm worried it won't support much weight as they label it "appearance" boards. Thoughts, ideas, and input would be great. Overall width is planned to be 60 inches with a 12 inch depth screwed into 2 studs. Original product below.