> But unless it gets formally acknowledged as canon, it isn't really either.
This is from an official Marvel publication.
And so is this.
This is Feige referring to AoS as part of the franchise.
And so is this.
This is Feige saying the Netflix shows (which cross-reference AoS) are in the MCU continuity.
And this is him saying the same about Daredevil again.
It already has been formally acknowledged as canon. So the question becomes: Do you just want him to repeat it over & over again?
CosmicBook & WGTC are trash; don't use them as sources. If other places report the same thing, then they're redundant. If nobody else reports the same thing, then they're probably lying.
Your IMDb link is literally just a repost of & link to the WGTC article.
The Amino link has a comment section full of people calling out the author for making crap up.
ShowSnob has nothing except Mahershala Ali's recasting, which doesn't mean jack squat in the wake of Gemma Chan's & Michelle Yeoh's recastings.
As for Feige's comments, all he said was that this was the first time movies will rely on plot points from shows, not that the previous shows didn't still take place in the same continuity.
Meanwhile, in 2014 & 2016, he explicitly called the shows part of the universe, & in 2018 Marvel published a book calling AoS part of the MCU.
Well, there's the quote about the AoU helicarrier from 2015.
And the quote about Ghost Rider on AoS from 2016, when Feige no longer answered to Perlmutter.
And two different episodes of WHiH (which was made by Marvel Studios) directly citing events from AoS in 2016.
And there's this book published by Marvel in 2018.