I think these are from "Marvel's Captain Marvel: The Art of the Movie." They were drawn by Andy Park, who also drew the final design for her suit in Captain Marvel. Here's that photo: https://imgur.com/a/8FSGO0z
Here is a of the concept art I came across, including some more from Andy Park. On the second page of this, Andy talks about how he did some design work for Captain Marvel back before "Age of Ultron" when Joss Whedon wanted to introduce her but thankfully Marvel waited to do a proper introduction. He also talks about how the shooting schedules of Avengers 3 & 4 meant they had to design her look for Endgame first even though they knew she would actually debut in her own film. https://imgur.com/a/wNvq0zb
The book just recently released so I'm guessing that's where they're from.
Here's a link for the book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1302915274/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_pJhHCbAPFDRDG