the red dead 2 special edition (and standard) are available on both US and UK sites. I VPN'd and went to amazon uk and could not find the collectors edition being sold by Rockstar. Looks like the Collector's edition is retailer-exclusive with Rockstar signing with specific partners in different regions.
Also i found this site claiming they are the exclusive 3rd party providers for the collectors edition in the UK. so if you found it on amazon it's probably someone that will buy it from the retailer and ship it to you. If anything it's a positive you can't find it on the US sites because no sellers are making bullshit listings.
For Spider-man a simple search on amazon shows the official sony seller is offering the collector's edition
Not a scene, they concealed the base of the Collectors Edition Statuette with a grey box in the marketing materials because the arms are visible.
The listing for it on Amazon is there, but it's not active yet:
I see one with the DLC on Amazon, but it says it's unavailable
EDIT - alright sorry for providing a link to the exact thing they were looking for