I know you can get a few that look the same and are basic lockout locks. But I couldn't vouch for them or recommend them. I think the reason the 410 is recommended so much is the cores design and build quality (which is weird for master lock haha). I'm in the UK and got mine from amazon:
Hopefully shipping ain't to bad
Well, it's "green" as much as Master Lock calls it the green one. https://www.amazon.com/Master-Lock-410GRN-Padlock-Shackle/dp/B001HWD3Q8/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=master+lock+410grn+lockout+tagout+safety+padlock+green&qid=1599155255&sprefix=master+lock+410&sr=8-3
But you made me wonder and they actually have a teal version as well.
I do enjoy a good color test and haven't had a color issue. I got normal vision on this one you sent. As a graphic designer I think it would have given me a lot more problems if my vision was that off. 😂
A friend of mine is REALLY bad red/green color blind. It's a fascinating issue since there's no way for him to describe what he sees and no way for us to explain what he "isn't" seeing. It's about the perception and without having known any different, there's nothing to compare it to.
I believe that lock has a spool in it. It is only 4 pins and not very difficult and you will out grow it quickly. I can get mine open by "zipping" it in 2 seconds. It is decent to learn to SPP on, I bought the set of 4 for $18.
The master lockout tag out is a good option if you want to order a more advanced lock for cheap when you get more experience. It has a very solid core and is difficult but it is great value for the money.
Master Lock 410GRN Green 410 Zenex Safety Padlock with Short Body, 1/4" x 1-1/2" Shackle (Pack of 1)
Note it only comes with one lock and the product page is misleading.
No problem. The Master lock that I had posted earlier is good, but those tend to jump in price too. An alternative is the Master 410 LOTO ("Lock Out Tag Out"), those always end up between $6-10 and have nothing but security pins and a dead core. Link.
Short note, though. The green model says "$1.48 each", like you're gonna get 6 locks, but that's a typo. You only get one. I tried to game the system.
Depends where you are but Amazon has it pretty cheap :) https://www.amazon.com/Government-Safety-Lockout-Padlock-Zenex/dp/B001HWD3Q8/
Hunting on eBay sometimes proves effective too for a couple at the same time to make them even cheaper
Yes, I had this problem too. I bought a Masterlock 410 LOTO for $10.75 delivered on Amazon. I immediately picked it and joined the rattle club. I now have the springs I need to fix my lock I killed like yours.
The green is cheaper!