Hey! I have PCOS and I was worried about becoming a diabetic down the road. I found a book called Mastering Diabetes which really gave me a crash course in diabetes and how to prevent it! My boyfriend also read the book, followed the diet that they recommend, and his A1C dropped down to the normal range! The book talks about the science of metabolism, carbs vs. sugar, how insulin resistance occurs and how to prevent it, and many more topics that really helped me overcome my fear of developing diabetes in the future. This book helped me take back control of my health! Here is the link to the book on amazon if you are interested, its $12.99: https://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Diabetes-Revolutionary-Permanently-Prediabetes-ebook/dp/B07TRJJHN2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3D3YHLVJMXA83&keywords=mastering+diabetes&qid=1658018147&sprefix=mastering+diabetes%2Caps%2C166&sr=8-1