So sorry about that! I was following the procedure from the publisher. I just got off the phone with them asking some pointed questions about their eStore. Turns out, even though they are owned by Amazon, they use different shipping frameworks and cannot offer what Amazon can.
Because of this, I have updated all the links from the blog to go directly to Amazon, as this will get you the book with cheaper and faster shipping.
Here is the new link:
Also, there has been interest expressed on Discord for an ebook version, so that is in the works. I will post a thread on r/Tak once it is completed.
If you ordered the book from the CreateSpace eStore and feel wronged/annoyed/peeved/etc., let me know via private message if I can do anything to alleviate those feelings. I'm trying to do this right, but it's my first book, so there are bound to be some growing pains.
Yup! Here is a link to the amazon page for it. If you're familiar with Tak, its a great help in learning how to play at a more competitive level, but it also teaches a lot of the terminology and basics you might not get anywhere else. The author recently announced he is not going to complete the planned follow-up, but he does run a blog about Tak and posts often in the r/Tak subreddit. I actually got that copy from placing in the Tak tournament at GenCon and its signed by the Worldbuilders team