Wrote this up for a family member. Looks like it could help you.
Why Sous Vide:
The simple answer is perfect results every time. There’s only a 3º difference between a rare and medium-rare steak, so precision means perfection.
With working from home, virtual meetings, we have a limited amount of time we have to cook.
Meal prepping is difficult Going out, I always end up on unhealthy options Delivery gets expensive quickly
The process:
The Anova product comes with an app and recipes built-in.
Pick what you are looking for You can also do custom once you know what you like Let the water heat up While the water is heating, season and vacuum seal your meal When the water hits the temp drop it in. Once the timer has finished, sear in a cast-iron skillet for about 1.5 minutes. You want to use a high smoke point oil, and the pan should be smoking. The goal is to sear the outside, not cook the meat.
The Anova app is where I started Serious Eats allows you to sort by cooking method, and I have enjoyed their stuff. Book – “Mastering the Art of Sous Vide: Unlock the Versatility of Precision Temperature Cooking”
Book –
Serious Eats Blog –
What to Buy:
Sous Vide:
I have the Anova Precision Cooker for 199 I started with the Nano but wanted the WIFI enabled vs. Bluetooth only.
Reusable bags and vacuum seal
Container: (Not required, but I find it useful, I started just using a big pot in the kitchen)
12L (find this one pretty perfect size for daily/weekly use) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F9QQZXK/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B08F9QQZXK&pd_rd_w=YJETp&pf_rd_p=887084a2-5c34-4113-a4f8-b7947847c308&pd_rd_wg=MYBrJ&pf_rd_r=CDGHP0SQAJTTM40D2H7E&pd_rd_r=63889450-c428-4a0e-a8d8-22e4d...
16L (for large items, ribs / brisket / etc…, or if you are hosting an army) https://www.amazon.com/Anova-Culinary-ANTC01-container-Removable/dp/B07XJRF5TW/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=M3E1P54V8E8Y&dchild=1&keywords=sous+vide+cooking+container&qid=1633365632&sprefix=sous+vide+cooking+%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-1-spons&a...