I do the same. Loop it through the handlebars near the triple clamp.
I also feed the cable around the chin of my helmet, and avoid using the D rings on the strap because petty thrives will just cut the strap.
Masterlock Cable Lock Keyed Diff https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002IN1PQ/
Masterlock Cable Lock Keyed Diff https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002IN1PQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_P8XT7Q5HPVD5HWBXNH1M?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Drill a small hole in the lid and the container. Make a copy of the keys. Hopefully after awhile they lose interest. If this doesnt work pay someone from craigslist the day of trash pickup to return their garbage back to their yard.
If you're worried about theft, I suggest the bungee to the back seat, plus a cable gun lock (padlock with a long flexible loop). Any sporting goods/firearm shop should have, here's an amazon one: https://www.amazon.ca/MasterLock-Keyed-Difference-Cable-Lock/dp/B0002IN1PQ/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1462913102&sr=8-5&keywords=cable+lock
I ride to class every day! I rest my helmet on the passenger peg and use a cable/gun lock, looping the cable through the passenger peg mount and visor. I just stuff my gloves inside too. The lock is small enough that it can fit in your jacket pocket or in your passenger seat when not riding. Perfect solution, IMO. Quick to lock and unlock and prevents someone simply walking off with the helmet, which deters 90% of thieves. Someone could walk off with the gloves but oh well, they won't see them unless they come up and lift my visor.
If its raining I tend to carry my helmet with me, but sometimes it rains unexpectedly and since you can close the visor almost all the way (cable blocks full closure the way I lock it) the inside doesn't get very wet.
I spent $6 on a cable lock or gun lock. I rest the chin of the helmet on my passenger peg and loop the lock through the cracked visor and around the passenger rearset (anything metal will work).
This isn't foolproof, but its much better than simply attaching your helmet to the bike via the strap. I'm sure a decent pair of bolt cutters could snip right through this cable, but it gives some peace of mind when I am only going somewhere for a short period of time. If I am away from the bike for more than a couple hours I usually just bring my helmet with me.
Just posted a separate comment before seeing yours. I do this too. Any sort of cable lock works really well for securing your helmet. It is certainly not theft proof (a decent pair of bolt cutters will snip it right off) but it prevents someone from simply walking off with it or cutting the strap.
Per my comment: > I spent $6 on a cable lock. I rest the chin of the helmet on my passenger peg and loop the lock through the cracked visor and around the passenger rearset (anything metal will work).