It's this one. It's called Masterminds and Wingmen: Helping Our Boys Cope With Schoolyard Power, Locker Room Tests, Girlfriends, and the New Rules of Boyhood. The author was on a Dr Phil rerun I watched the other day (don't judge) and I thought she sounded interesting. Went to amazon to read reviews and the book is very very well-reviewed so I grabbed it from the library. I'm not big on parenting books in general but the approaching puberty years have me absolutely in a state, so I am looking for some guidance that will help me guide my kid in the right direction.
I recommend this book to you unread. While not a lesbian I am a father of 3 girls. The author's first book: "Queen bees and wannabees" was a shocking look at the female social world and read it twice. The two genders really look at and deal with life's problems in very different ways. The book blew my mind and gave me valuable insight into the social pressures of growing up female.
You might find the book Masterminds and Wingmen by Wiseman helpful, for explaining the behavior and giving ways to help him deal with it.
Not teaching specific, but I found Masterminds and Wingmen to be quite informative.