Which one? Either way, I've no idea if it's the same guy. I bought this as a blind buy.
If I try to summarize the book, I'll be doing you a disservice, because it's really the details that make the book. But I can tell you that it's nothing like any "pickup artist" technique book you may have read, and in a good way.
The "Look inside" feature on Amazon actually has the first two chapters fully available for reading. I recommend you give them a look.
> I'm curious, where's the unbiased research on muscles? Genuinely curious, I didn't know if it was truly evidence based.
Unfortunately I did not keep track of when I encountered this information, but if you want to see a book that does a good job summarizing everything psychologists figured out about female attraction, see this: Mate: Become the Man Women Want https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RTY0FKK/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_5JG5XY608E4TE9MF0GRQ
The gist of why muscles are unattractive have to do with the fact that jacked up guys don’t exist in nature, because the physical tasks you encounter in nature don’t result in jacked up muscles, only in strength. Being strong and healthy is good, but jacked up looks unnatural to women. I think it’s their equivalent for a woman with huge fake tits, puffed up lips, and a ton of make up.
> And I see what you're saying but I think the career/success aspect comes after the initial attraction phase. You're basically saying if there's a connection then it grows and what not. Well the connection has to somehow form. There needs to be some physical and emotional attraction.
Not really. There needs to be an initial attraction for a guy, because he is the one doing the initial effort investment, so a guy needs to decide that the investment is worth it before he even spoke to the woman. The consequence is that attraction is black and white in men. Women are way more murky. They spend a lot of time being undecided, and can flip flop from attracted to not attracted multiple times even in the same conversation.
> The vast majority of very successful guys in their 30s and 40s would be rejected by the vast majority of women in their 20s and 30s if there is a looks discrepancy.
Are you sure it’s a look discrepancy? Seems to me like there are other problems built into that scenario that can account for that.
> Interestingly, I've personally met more men in my life who care about the woman's career/ambition/success than I have women.
Can you elaborate?
The book Mate discusses this (and other topics) in exhaustive detail. The author is a bit of a dudebro but the general advice is pretty good.