It's not that bad to pick up and, if you have any previous experience writing code, it's that much easier.
Check out this book if you're interested in giving it a shot: Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving - Stormy Attaway.
Also check out r/matlab
You'll read a book, and you'll learn some things, but that knowledge is different than the kind of knowledge you'll pick up by wrestling with doing things.
For books, I recommend picking up a copy of this. It's a good reference to MATLAB and I keep a copy at my desk.
But the doc and help commands should be your friends. That major pain in the ass phase you're talking about? That's how you learn.
The Attaway book is generally regarded as the best, and the older version is pretty cheap on Amazon at least for the kindle version if you can use a application reader on your PC.
That said, you're going to learn much more by doing active exercises from online tutorials like MATLAB onramp and using the amazing documentation provided by Mathworks than you would by just using a Book. The Matlab Documentation is like leagues better than any other scientific computing language I've used simply because of how user friendly it is. Every other command is hyperlinked to read about similar commands, and the "see also" section at the bottom is just great to use. Even if you don't directly use the documentation, You can usually just google "MATLAB How do I xxx" and the proper documentation link will show up.
Hi, this book is an amazing resource for learning MATLAB and programming concepts in general. I highly recommend. To me, it's the ultimate MATLAB guide or "bible" so to speak.
This book was written by somebody I know, and it's a damn good practical (re)introduction to MATLAB.