Would definitely recommend buying chain wax, over chain lube. This is the stuff I usually buy. You should be lubing your chain about weekly with regular riding, and of course lube it after you ride in the rain or wet. The wax is a little more resilient, and you can go a little longer without limubing if you forget.
I think this chain is salvageable, but it's up to you. The big problem is having kinks in the chain. With proper cleaning, you could likely get most of them out. But if you clean it rigorously and can't get some of the kinks out, best to replace.
Ideal would be to take the chain off the bike and soak it in a solution, but depending on the bike it's not exactly trivial. Several options work, but I like to put kerosene (yup) in a spray bottle and clean it rigorously with a chain brush (if you don't have one, buy it, thank me later). This might take awhile, but it could come through.
Price isn't so important, last year I purchased this from my local bike shop for $14 after looking up reviews on it. Just make sure its a wax, so that it stays on the chain and reduces friction, not a liquid that flings off. I clean and lube my chain a ton and I still have more than half a can left after 2 summers of riding.
Definitely something I've considered. But I really like the smell of the oil in a spraycan that I use....
I think upgrading my headlights to HID projectors is going to be my next project when I can scrape together the money.
I'm a fan of Chain Wax personally, just warm up the chain with a 5 minute ride, apply chain wax properly and let it set for about 15 minutes. It doesn't fling off and get all over your bike and works quite well.
This stuff: http://www.amazon.com/Maxima-74920-Chain-Wax-Aerosol/dp/B0012TZ1RU
Don't know why Amazon has it priced at 15. I bought mine at a local motorcycle shop for around 9 bucks
Thanks for the response. I'll read the owners manual about frequency of oil changes. As for chain lube, is something like this stuff what I need?
There pricing is very good, especially on gear with the return policy you receive. Part pricing is still good, especially if you make the free shipping on the smaller moto-specific items like chain lube, etc. Beats Amazon's price by several $$.
Maxima Chain Wax
Amazon - $14
RevZilla - $11.50
Not to mention I have to pay tax on items sold by Amazon which really sours the deal.
Every product you bought you returned? Every product was $50-$100 less when you bought it somewhere else? Why did you keep buying from RevZilla and keep returning their items? Why didn't you do research before you bought it?
My favorite wet lube is Maxima Chain Wax.
Maxima is the best. Be sure to warm up chain for 15m or so normal riding. Apply, wipe, and let sit for at least 5m.
Some people complain of this product due to fling. If you follow the above, it will not fling.
Apply to a clean chain for best results. Use a Grunge Brush and (slightly diluted) Simple Green for cleaning.
I've used this for years with great success:
Maxima 74920 Chain Wax - 13.5 oz. Aerosol https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012TZ1RU/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_9Z7QEMBMRXCPD12QGQYC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I recommend Maxima Chain Wax
Yo, you can get spray chain wax for motorcycles, etc. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0012TZ1RU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_EG9953HJAJDFHC7D3TRF?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
you are putting way too much or change chain lube. I am using chain wax (see here )
Also, I put the chain wax after a ride when the chain is hot. The lube penetrates deeper on the o-rings and on the plus side, you are always ready to ride next time.