I'm in the don't bother camp as well. What I would do is get some custom graphics with his name and number on them(or just his name if he hasn't picked out a number yet). Most custom graphics places will also do just number plates if you want to save some cash. I can't even begin to imagine how stoked I would be if I was your kid and came out to the garage to a new dirt bike that had my fucking name on it, like the pros do.
Also, hit like everything that is plastic on that thing except the seat and grips with this shit. It says "new bike in a can" right on it.
I love SC1 for any unpainted plastics. Works awesome, easy to use, and smells fantastic. Gives a decent shine and makes plastics nice and black again, keeps my S1K looking brand new. It is silicone based though, seems some people don't like that. I use it on my vehicles as well. Repels water and dirt.
IMO it is the single best product you can have on hand for bikes, sleds, and ATVS.
This is what I use and it does do a good job. I don't know how it handles mud as the trails I ride are dry and they would be destroyed if ridden when wet by too many bikers.
SC1 works wonders.
Check Fluids, electrical, tire rot or flat spots. Give her a good wash and when dry, use a whole damn can of SC1
Do your own research first, especially since your finish is different than the gloss red I had on mine, but I've been using this stuff for years with great results: SC1 High Gloss coating or Original Bike Spirits cleaner and polish
Maxima 78920 SC1 High Gloss Coating 17.2 FL. OZ. 508 mL - NET WT. 12 OZ. (340g), Single https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000WK5PWQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_YSBR5FYQP6WG43VMGFRV
Maxima 78920 SC1 High Gloss Coating 17.2 FL. OZ. 508 mL - NET WT. 12 OZ. (340g), Single https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000WK5PWQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_YSBR5FYQP6WG43VMGFRV
Get is nice and clean then apply this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000WK5PWQ?th=1
I store 8 bikes in mine. Never a problem. Though if you'd like to keep it looking clean, I can't recommend this enough.
Combination of things ...
For the black plastics that usually have fade i use this stuff which I was introduced to by a motorcycle guy. He swore by it and now I do too.
For the metal things I use this mothers polish which also works great on my exhaust.
Everything else in between I just clean with a microfiber cloth and the same soapy Meguiars solution i use to wash the body with, then wipe dry.
After you get it as clean as possible, spray it with detailing spray, it works wonders. This stuff; Maxima SC1