I saw this and immediately thought of another build I have seen that had special fan bracket for under GPU mounting but it came with 2 brackets that attach the fans together. If you are interested in something other the zip ties for the future this might work well for you. Just thought I would share. Love the mod and love the fans! Honestly for 10 dollars more you would be crazy not to get the QLs over the LLs. If you decide to try the brackets let me know how it goes!
It's hard to give solid recommendations for a case I haven't used but I'll try.
Is it possible to move the CPU cooler to the back? If it was me I would be tempted to remove that rear exhasut fan and use your CPU cooler at the exhaust, but make sure that the CPU cooler is moved back and not right above the intake.
You can then use something like this bracket to take 120 exhaust fan and mount it face the GPU intake. https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Bracket-Support-Computer-Radiator/dp/B07N3T1GJP
Have you set a fan curve on your gpu? Idk about gigabyte but they probably have some software to do it, or I think msi afterburner works. I have an evga 3080ti and the fans by default don't ramp at all until 60 degrees. I made it so mine is at 30% fan speed all the time, and my gpu idles around 40-42 degrees.
I got a pcie fan bracket to mount 2 120m noctua fans right under my gpu. I have an nzxt h440 case which has a solid psu shroud, so if they were right on the shroud they wouldn't be pulling much air. I'm not sure if I can go as far as recommending it, because I haven't done a whole lot of solid testing. It's lowered my temps a few degrees but I can definitely notice when my gpu is maxed out, it is quieter, because I was able to lower my gpu fan rpms to get the same temperature. Instead of a sharp increase in speed after 60-70 degrees, i can keep the fan speed to around 60-65% all the way up to 80c.
It's kind of a gimmick though, I would read some reviews before buying, maybe you can use the money better elsewhere although it is fairly cheap.
Looks like 120 is indeed the solution.
If you have trouble mounting you could try a PCI Bracket like this: https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Videokaart-Ondersteuning-Ventilator-Computer/dp/B07N3T1GJP
But you have to be sure the card is 2 slots thick without the fans. If it's thicker it won't fit.
It's very easy to work around the fan issue.
Last year I built a render machine for Blender animation using 3x Tesla K80s (which came to about $600 total for 3080-ish level rendering). To make them work I just removed the shrouds and used standard 120mm fans mounted to PCIE brackets I got from Amazon.
I have some of those. I got them off Amazon. I believe it is these ones. https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Bracket-Support-Computer-Radiator/dp/B07N3T1GJP/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=I8ELZYUUTAP4&keywords=pci+fan+bracket&qid=1646453472&sprefix=pci+fan%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-3
You might wamma check this
I have that on my rig. My GPU has two fans and I needed extra cooling. So I bought that PCI fan mount and added x2 Arctic F9 just below the GPU.
Do you remember which PCI slot fan bracket you bought? I'm looking at this one but the reviews on it say the holes on the mount don't always line up with the fan's holes
You could try using a PCI fan bracket like this. I have one I used a few years ago to help cool a GPU. I only used a small fan, but you can use a couple of 120's right under the GPU and see how they do.
In a 5000D you don’t need the extra two. If your goal is to provide the GPU more air, buy one of these and mount the fans to it.
Thanks :) here's the link to the brackets I used. Very sturdy stuff :)
I’ve bought this bracket last year for my 3080 high temps with a pair of be quiet silent wings 3, and it drastically reduced gpu and memory temps.
Maxmoral 1-Pack Dual Fan Mount Rack PCI Slot Bracket for Video Card DIY Support 9cm/12cm Fan Computer Radiator HolderAmazon link
I bought a used gtx 1080.
I still have the 1070 (I am trying to either sell it alone or the whole computer if I can find what I need to replace it). I have purchased a Noctua 92mm fans and was simply planning to remove the plastic cover and use zip ties to fix the fan directly on the native (small) heatsink (after cleaning the gpu and re-applying thermal paste). If you still haven't purchased the Morphus, this is interesing to test and will cost only 15/19 boxes (depending on the fan you choose). This way, the native fan will do it's job cooling vrm and stuff while maintaining a low rpm, and the Noctua fan will cool the heatsink (and the core).
I have also purchased this to help with airflow if needed, but well my new (bought used) gtx 1080 is a Palit JetStream that is cool and silent (rarely goes beyond 60C in gaming, 30C room in summer), so in fact I purchased all the stuff for the 1070 but haven't used them.
Thanks! I bought a pci slot bracket fan mount from amazon. Bracket holds the fans together and you just have to screw the mount to a pci slot to keep them secure. I will list the part I bought here: https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Bracket-Support-Computer-Radiator/dp/B07N3T1GJP
As far as fans go, one thing I did (after a lot of experimentation) was buy a Bracket that allows you to mount fans in place of a PCIE cover then bought two Noctua NF-P12 Redux 1700-PWMs and two NF-A6x25 PWMs. I've got them placed from the bracket: NF-P12, NF-P12, then the two NF-A6es on the end, covering the entire card in supplemental fans. My Card now has a max stable temp of 70C in a 22C (71F) room with supplemental fans (which are considerably quieter) at 100% and GPU fans at 50%. If I were to ramp up the GPU fans to 100% I could bring the temp down a few more degrees, but it gets loud, your use-case sounds like you could do just that and not mind.
The RAM issue may not be because of this board but with the CPU. Before I got the x570 taichi I was using an x470 Asus Prime-Pro with a Ryzen 2600. My memory was working fine with 2nd Gen Ryzen and the x470 no issues. As soon as I put the 3rd Gen 3900x in this I started having problems with the memory. Might just be BIOS update fix. Who knows. If you have 16 GB using 2 8 GB DIMM's I would bet you will be alright.
For the fan bracket I picked this up on amazon (Fan Bracket). Just be mindful this might not work in all cases. I had to modify the bracket and cut off some parts of it with a coping saw. The spray paint the bracket with a fresh coat of black spray paint. But it was a cheap upgrade for the cooling benefits it provided.
I like the look of the FE edition cards but i feel like the 3rd party cards cool and get better performance. But that is my personal preference.
I used a PCI slot bracket for the fans i found on amazon. Link Below. I did have to modify it for this case just a little bit. Was easy though, used a hack saw to shave off what i needed. Very simple. Came out great and the GPU stays extra cool.
(Click Here )
thanks for suggesting I would want to but there’s not really any room.. I have the studio monitors currently on the desk and they take up most of the space, I would have to buy some stands for my monitors and get rid of the second desk on top of it, I also use my TV right now the cords for HDMI 2.1 are pretty short it’s my only option unless I want to change around my room a bit, the bottom fans are attached to a bracket in the PCIE slot https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N3T1GJP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Something like this bracket will provide the best function by blowing cold air directly on the GPU. Not sure if it will do that much for you though. Fans are probably fine where they are.
If you already have spare 80/120mm fans, this works: https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Bracket-Support-Computer-Radiator/dp/B07N3T1GJP/
It is basically what they already linked, but without fans for $5 cheaper. You can use some good Arctic or Noctua fans that way if you have spares.
Just strip your GPU down and remove fans. Leave the heatsink. If you can remove the plastic shroud.
Use something like this and slap two fans right below the GPU.
Get fanctrl and it will allow you to adjust fan speed that are connected to your motherboard with your GPU temperature.
https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Bracket-Support-Computer-Radiator/dp/B07N3T1GJP/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=I8ELZYUUTAP4&keywords=pci+fan+bracket&qid=1646453472&sprefix=pci+fan%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-3 Couldn't use the intended 120 holes as the bracket was too long, bent the back piece so it didn't the case frame, and used a zip tie for the second mounting point: https://imgur.com/a/igb4OOX
Maxmoral 1-Pack Dual Fan Mount Rack PCI Slot Bracket for Video Card DIY Support 9cm/12cm Fan Computer Radiator Holder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N3T1GJP/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_J3HX8W814KXYSMWVM72Q?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Is that a mesh front case?
Add 2 more front fans
You can pick up pci fan brackets and have 1 or 2 120mm fans blowing up at your GPU
This might help you i have it on my 4000d Maxmoral 1-Pack Dual Fan Mount Rack PCI Slot Bracket for Video Card DIY Support 9cm/12cm Fan Computer Radiator Holder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N3T1GJP/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_4PMS95HC593SB78QH4KB
Maxmoral 1-Pack Dual Fan Mount Rack PCI Slot Bracket for Video Card DIY Support 9cm/12cm Fan Computer Radiator Holder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N3T1GJP/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_KZK34EC7C191AK1NNCFH
Shout out to u/sSwitchYy I couldn't have done it without their post.
Parts list of an idea of what I need to get is in here
This is all you need to avoid Bios errors.
Here are links to stuff I used:
PCI slot fan mount
IO sheild
USB 3.0 for extensions
USB 3.0 to 2.0 adapter (This was for my Corsair Commander)
Extension cables
it's this one from Amazon :) really happy with it.
Here you go. It measures in CM instead of MM
You can always buy a pcie fan bracket with some Arctic P12's or Noctua's and get better temps. Fan Bracket
Here's where I got my inspiration from: 3080 FE fan mod
I've been having high temps om my 3080 FE because of the summer months, room ambient would be around 26-30°c. Using a fan bracket and the same fixed fan speed for the gpu, I noticed that stock it would go to 77°c but now it would stick at 66°c.
Right on the ram. Tforce delta. The fans are on this bracket. Works great and helps thermals a ton
Rich ton the ram. The fans are on this bracket. Works great and helps thermals a ton
Rich ton the ram. The fans are on this bracket. Works great and helps thermals a ton
Use one of these. Works great
If you're still worried about temps, there's a few other options. You could set a fan curve with either MSI Afterburner or EVGA's Precision X1 software, and for the daring, you could Undervolt.
Alternatively you could also get a couple 120mm Noctua fans and a PCI Fan Bracket to have sit underneath the GPU to focus more airflow up into it. Could net anywhere from a 2-6c drop in temps.
Have you tried using something like https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Bracket-Support-Computer-Radiator/dp/B07N3T1GJP?pldnSite=1
If so can you tell how much of a difference does this makes in temps, Assuming new fans mounted onto the PCI slot(one linked above) runs always at some consistent RPM 1000 per se.?
Something like this might work and look alot better
Maxmoral 1-Pack Dual Fan Mount Rack PCI Slot Bracket for Video Card DIY Support 9cm/12cm Fan Computer Radiator Holder https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N3T1GJP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2P2HFb9H4T9JD
you can buy a bracket and attach noctua fans yourself
I recently did something similar. I started with the Sapphire Pulse which you can take the fans and faceplate off without removing the cooler.
I then got a Y splitter to 4pin from amazon and one of these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07N3T1GJP/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Honestly similar temps to the Pulse in most workloads, but much quieter when the fans ramp. I found that the PCIe bracket fans were a cleaner implementation than me trying to strap/ziptie the fans to the cooler (I tried that first).
My handiwork: https://imgur.com/a/rJBsuEt
PCI Slot fans like this : https://www.amazon.com/Maxmoral-Bracket-Support-Computer-Radiator/dp/B07N3T1GJP/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=pci+fan+mount&qid=1557333025&s=electronics&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1
I will be mounting my own 120mm x2 with the fans blowing up towards the card ( the fans are pointing down like standard open air GPU's )
Do they really work ? I am wondering if putting it a way to blow towards my Gigabyte RTX 2080 Windforce edition would help the air move a little better to cool my card just a bit more. Thoughts ?