When I got the MBP with USB-C, I had to get multiple dongles to connect. A friend turned me onto this bag: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AQ6E5XQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Great bag for small cables, dongles, flash drives, etc. Very roomy.
Perhaps a bigger backpack, or you could go a modular route.
I myself would think about using something like this.
Also, why do you carry half of your house in your backpack?
That reminds me to add a pivot alignment tool to the shopping list. I use a CRKT pivot driver with wiha t6 bits since I snapped off all the t6 bits that came with the blue box, a Prometheus Design Werx work mat, a pair of ifixit tweezers, and normal wooden toothpicks and paper towels. I just picked up a 100 pack of microfiber cloths from Amazon that I am going to try out. I recently picked up a Maxpedition pouch to help keep things a little more organized.
That reminds me to add a pivot alignment tool to the shopping list. I use a CRKT pivot driver with wiha t6 bits since I snapped off all the t6 bits that came with the blue box, a Prometheus Design Werx work mat, a pair of ifixit tweezers, and normal wooden toothpicks and paper towels. I just picked up a 100 pack of microfiber cloths from Amazon that I am going to try out. I recently picked up a Maxpedition pouch to help keep things a little more organized.
I just bought one of these in black last week. It's an amazing bag and holds everything I need. Better than a shopping bag or zip lock bag I was using
Edit: Here it is fully filled up Picture. Currently have cutters, scissors, cotton, 3 spools of wire, a Velocity V2 clone, extra screws and such, 2 extra batteries, and 8 bottles of juice with room to spare.
I made a bag for my son's back pack that he takes to school in case of a lock down or natural disaster (we live in the PNW). It's small but it contains: head lamp light, rain poncho, small flashlight, sharpie marker, emergency blanket (one of the thin silver ones), antibacterial hand wipes, a few protein bars, a whistle, a glow stick. This is the bag I bought from amazon:
Pouch: Maxpedition Gear Beefy Pocket Organizer
Trauma shears
Zip ties
Zofran - nausea medication
Contact lens solutions
Pen and penlight
Ibuprofen and diphenhydramine
Tegaderm (large and small) - A sticky celophane wrap that covers dressings or wounds and is relatively waterproof.
4"x4" and 2"x2" gauze sponges
Coban - An elastic, slightly rubbery dressing that adheres to itself. It's a good flexible cover for dressings on legs and arms.
Xeroform gauze - A strip of gauze that's soaked in antibiotic-infused petroleum jelly that you put directly onto wounds and under bandages to keep them moist.
Steri-strips - super-strong adhesive strips that can be used to close wounds that might otherwise need stitches.
Mastisol - a skin adhesive that you can use to make an extra-strong bond for the steri-strips.
Exofin - skin super glue that can be used to close VERY CLEAN wounds. If you use this to close a wound that is dirty, you can cause a life-threatening infection if you are in the wild. It also burns like a MF for hours after it's applied.
Bandaids - various sizes
Ace wrap
Elastic cloth tape
Silk tape - general purpose medical tape
ABD bandages - A thick, highly-absorbent field dressing.
3-0 Nylon sutures
Iodine and alcohol swabs
Moleskin - felt blister pads.
Almost the same thing, but cheaper; http://www.coil-master.net/product/coil-master-pbag
I really liked this bag up until I misplaced it somewhere; http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AQ6E5XQ