Amazon sells the Mayflash version, it just reads the GC as a Classic Controller:
Not an 'official' product but you definitely don't need to mod a controller.
I believe this one will allow you to play games in Wii mode with your GC controller. You plug it into a Wii Remote and then plug your GC controller into it. It allows our GC controller to function as a Wii Classic Controller. Only issue is that it's just for one GC controller
Sorry dude you look like you are skilled in this game, plz help me.
Should I get a GC controller or should I look for something else with a square gate?
If I should get a GC controller is there something else that I should buy to make sure that my GC controller connects t my switch.\_li\_ss\_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00BS520SG
Dunno if its allowed rn but heres one from mayflash there stuff has never failed me so ye The adapter from 8bitdo is only for the switch and pc i believe so ye. I hope they release sometihn like it tho
The USB adapter only works with Smash 4. However, I have one of these, which essentially makes the Gamecube controller into a classic controller, and it seems to work pretty well.
GameCube controllers do work with N64 VC games on the Wii (just tested it, I own Smash 64 on my Wii) but I don't think they work with anything on the Wii U other than Smash 4. You could get an adapter like this one if you really wanted to use GameCube over a Classic Controller, but I'm not seeing the best of reviews for those.
And yeah, a lot of people do say that there is input lag (it's why the VC version isn't recommended for tournaments), but I'm not an expert on it as I don't own an actual N64 to compare. Sorry.
There are some adapters that allow you to plug your Gamecube controller into a Wii Remote, which should be compatible with games that support the Classic Controller. I had one so I could play Brawl on the Wii U before Smash 4 came out.
I use my GameCube controller in any instance that the game supports classic controllers. All you need is one of these:
You can use a mayflash adapter with a Wiimote. I've never used one personally though. From what I know, it'll detect the GameCube controller as a classic controller.
This is your best bet:
Makes the system read the controller as a Classic Controller through the Wiimote. I personally hate the concept because I hate having the Wiimote as an anchor and using batteries etc etc but in terms of achieving said goal, it'll do the job. This is how people have been using GC controllers to play Brawl on the Wii U. Reviews on Amazon seem to indicate it works well.
This adapter will let you use a GC controller, but only 1 per adapter.
It connects to a Wii Remote, and the GC controller registers as a Classic Controller.
I didn't notice any significant input lag when I used mine.
The mayflash adapter that works with the Wii U. I know it isn't exactly an easy question to answer, but I thought maybe someone here also encountered a problem like this and was able to fix it.
No, black. This one:
The key is that it has to connect to the Wiimote (so, no USB).
It basically acts as a classic controller/classic controller pro
I think this is what he was referring to, i've heard it has a few input issues, but mostly works fine
I believe there are some third party adapters that are really cheap source:
Unless somebody wants the First Party Adapter, I don't think it's going to be too valuable for a trade.
Mayflash sells gamecube adapters that plug into a wiimote. That's what I use. I really don't see a difference in lag at all. They only work for the official nintendo gamecube controllers (not wavebirds) though. Here's the link.
Facepalm. I was thinking of a different mayflash adapter.
Wait, if I softmod my wii mode on my wii u, I can use the gamecube adapter with wii?
OP: I'd suggest getting a mayflash gamecube controller adapter. They're $17 on amazon and it allows you to plug in your gc controllers straight into the wiimote and it reads it as a classic controller.
Long shot, a Gamecube racing wheel and a Mayflash Gamecube to Classic Controller adapater
Oh right. I forgot about that. Nintendo doesn't, but Mayflash does. That's how I use my GameCube controller with my PC.
Pretty sure you can do that already by using the wii menu on your wiiu. Also you guys should know about this. It's a little buggy but works really well for most games.
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For N64 games? Pretty much. If you own a Gamecube controller, this adapter (and its equivalents from other manufacturers and merchants) is also an option. There's also these, which are basically a Classic Controller shoved inside a pseudo-Gamecube plastic shell. I've used both and they both work pretty well.
I don't have any in particular, sorry!
I prefer the pro version, since I think the plastic handles (the only difference) make it more comfortable to hold. If you prefer the SNES controller to the Gamecube controller, you'd probably prefer the regular version.
So something like this?
You can use this adapter to plug a GC controller into a Wii remote and use it. Although the Wii will recognize it as a classic controller.Found here
There's one by Mayflash if you want an adapter, although PDP sells a controller that just plugs right in (even if the controller is total garbage).
Well if you buy a gcn controller you need to buy this adapter not the Wii U one
This could potentially work if you are that dedicated to playing mw3 with a gamecube controller.
WiiMotes. There are cheaper gamepads but WiiMotes are kid-tough and more pocket sized than most. A horizontally wielded wiimote plays everything joystick and pre-SNES. Many SNES games are playable despite the WiiMote being one-button short (just use your laptop's spacebar for the select button). For a few SNES games and anything later, carry a nunchuk in your other pocket. This still falls short on buttons for some systems (PS2, N64) but again, mapping 1, 2 or 3 buttons to the keyboard is sufficient for most games. Plus, when not traveling, you can go fully authentic by getting adapters to plug classic console controllers (or modern replicas) into the wiimote. You can't do that with other controllers without soldering. A few examples:
You can always get a wiimote adaptor to use whatever controller you want (since these will be read as a classic controller.
Wiimote to Gamecube Controller:
Wiimote to N64 Controller adapter:
I haven't used the N64 but my friend has a gamecube one and I used it to clear through most of DK64
I have both the Mayflash Adapter and the PDP Fight Pad
If you already have the GCN controller, the adapter works well enough, specially if you want it for VC games. Every once on a while, The adapter disconnects mid gameplay for a few secs, so that can be bothersome, I used it with a pc like you intend to, works just fine. The downside is you have less buttons than the classic controller (no select/- and only 3 shoulder buttons) and the L and R are recognized as such instead of ZL/ZR which can be confusing in some instances.
The PDP Fight pad works beautifully, has all the buttons and the right analog stick is actually a stick as opposed to the shorter c-stick. The one downside is the controller feels kinda empty, which makes it feel cheap (kinda like the classic controller or those awful gamestop branded GNN controllers), but it only feels cheap cos they are very responsive.
I would recommend the fight pad over the gcn adapter, unless you absolutely positively need the original gcn controller. Havnet used the hori pads, they have turbo built in but as far as i know are pretty similar to the pdp pads.
You helped me a lot, thanks!
I will buy this adapter:
And I hope all my problems go away :D
God bless you.
This is what I use. It works really well.
I asked a while ago if there was any work on getting the adapter to work on the Wii U a week ago here :
Someone else asked about it a month ago and got an answer from a dev (top comment) here :
Until someone announces they are working on it it won't happen I'm afraid. I can script Javascript but can not code for the Wii just yet. We need a developer to look at the source code for both the Nintendon't app that works on the Homebrew Channel and the PC drivers (since they both have inputs working from the GC adapter) that can understand how the adapter works and knows how to code apps for the Wii.
A temporary work around is this which is what I have been using:
I play star fox 64 on vwii using this:
worth the investment if you ask me
^That's ^why ^I'm ^here, ^I ^don't ^judge ^you. ^PM ^/u/xl0 ^if ^I'm ^causing ^any ^trouble. ^WUT?
maybe he's talking about this
On the topic of controllers, does anyone use this adapter? Also, does anyone use a 3rd Party controller?
The Mayflash and Raphnet Gamecube to Classic Controller adapter works, because it acts like a classic controller. THIS IS A DIFFERENT ADAPTER THAN THE OFFICIAL NINTENDO ONE AND THE MAYFLASH 4 PORT USB ONE. THIS ONE CONNECTS ONE CONTROLLER TO THE BOTTOM OF A WIIMOTE.
Nintendont, which is what runs Melee on the Wii U, on the other hand DOES support the official nintendo adapter and the Mayflash 4 port USB one.
64, Brawl and Project M support these adapters:
And Melee (via the homebrew app Nintendont) and Smash 4 support those but ALSO support
Refurbished WiiU Pro straight from Nintendo is usually $200-$250, but it seems they're out of stock right now. Its fully compatible with Wii games and controllers, and most first party games so far support Classic controllers in addition to the Gamepad and WiiU controllers. This here will let you use a Gamecube controller as a "Classic Controller" through the Wii Remote. Mayflash makes some good adapters, I'm absolutely happy with my Classic Controller-PC adapter. The official adapter only works with Sm4sh and Dolphin on the PC currently, so the unoffcial one is needed for other games.
The WiiU is the only system really worth getting in addition to PC right now, it makes a great compliment.
This is something I posed in a thread exactly like this one.
Project M on the Wii U will only support Wiimote, Wiimote and Nunchuk, Wii Classic Controller, and Wii Classic Controller Pro. It will NOT support the Wii U Pro controller, the Wii U Gamepad or the 4 port Gamecube Adapter that plugs directly into the Wii U's USB port.
Now, what you CAN do to play with a Gamecube controller is buy a Gamecube Controller to Wii Classic Controller converter. There are only two that I know of. They are these two links:
These will make your Gamecube controller plug into the bottom of your Wiimote and make it act like a Wii Classic Controller with all the functionality of a Gamecube Controller.
Here's the link It was the second result when typing in Mayflash.
Try this then. Kind of expensive for what it is though.
Buy this -> Mayflash Nintendo GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii/Wii U
These adapters are pretty reliable. I have one, and it works well. It can also be used on things outside of Smash, which is really cool.
Mayflash Nintendo GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii/Wii U by Mayflash If you cant wait.
And if you dont like the controller you can always buy one of These
Plug a GC pad into a wiimote, so it shows up as a classic controller.
Actually there is an adapter that you can get that plugs into the Wii controller, and makes your gamecube controller act as a classic controller. Not sure how good it works, but I hear that it works well.
Anyone used this thing?
This seems it could work now...
You can use this adapter to play the wii virtual console with a gamecube controller:
I'm currently playing majora's mask with it on my wii u using a gamecube controller. It's great. I'm finally gonna beat that dang game.
Note: the adapter does not work with the wavebird wireless controller.
Also you can buy the GCN to Wii/Wii U controller adapters :)
Actually you can plug it in to the bottom of the wiimote with one of these. They said something about "using any controller you want" so maybe you can.