Not surprising, the mystery company is probably some kind of money laundering scheme.
I highly recommend Misha Glenny's book "McMafia" if you want to learn more about this:
And here is a short video where he talks about Dubai:
Här är en bra bok som går igenom vad dessa kriminella gäng levererar till samhället, McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld
Given the cultural implications suggested in this Wikipedia entry, I'm not surprised.
Pakistan is NOT a single, uniform society. The Punjabis are vastly more socialized and civilized than the Turkmen (think Lahore vs. Peshawar). The enslavement of young females for use as sexual "products" has been common in Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and the old Silk Roads countries -- where (ostensibly) protective Islamic female sequestration never really took hold as it did elsewhere from the eighth century onward -- for at least a millennium; probably much longer.
The influence of the norms of the Silk Road cultures is being felt now in the Russian Caucasus region, as well as even further west in the countries north of the Black Sea where -- since the breakdown of the Soviet Union -- organized crime (and child prostitution) has become a way of life. (See Misha Glenny's disturbing book, McMafia, though what is reported there is limited compared to what is actually the case at this time... including the spread of such activities into the UK and Western Europe.)
Very sad to hear that large-scale CP is going on in ostensibly "civilized" locales like Manchester, but given the dis-inhibition of sexual urge induced by widespread drug indulgence, I am hardly surprised. When the British sought to solve the balance of payments problem with China in the late 18th century by exporting massive amounts of opium into China from India, East Bengal and Burma, the whole region saw an explosion of child prostitution.
Drug addiction, I'm sad to say, is the #1 mechanism of cultural war on this planet now. Get your enemy addicted; watch his culture de-civilize.
To understand Russian foreign diplomacy here is a book that I highly recommend . The book is actual research and fact based on what is happening right now. A fictionalized tv series was made by Amazon and it really is very good.
Having lived in Russia as a normal westerner working in Moscow and having lived in Africa (which is not as corrupt as Russia despite appearences) I can say that I had to bribe or grease a palm for basic shit at least once a week in Moscow. The corruption is on every level of society. Its one big criminal society but make no mistake Yeltsin and Berokovsky planned all of this.
And the 2nd book is now free on Audible
Putin : A prisoner of power
Riveting stuff. Suffice it to say that the poor russian people are being right royaly fucked by their leaders