I posted this just below, but I'll just share it here as well. I'm in the Toronto hall and the book is EXACTLY what the test will be, just with different numbers etc. I expect yours will be similar.
Here's the post: Mine was very similar to this. There's study guides out there to help, but it's all about speed.
This book has a ton of practice that will be similar to the test if you're looking for something. I haven't seen this exact book, but I've seen other barron's guides that would be handy. Take the practice tests and time yourself.
It’s hard. Study. I’ll link you to the book I studied. https://www.amazon.com/Barrons-Mechanical-Aptitude-Spatial-Relations/dp/1438005709/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=3K8M6CUW90MPL&keywords=955+maintenance+book&qid=1649233629&sprefix=955+m%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-5
Good luck.
Mine was very similar to this. There's study guides out there to help, but it's all about speed.
This book has a ton of practice that will be similar to the test if you're looking for something. I haven't seen this exact book, but I've seen other barron's guides that would be handy. Take the practice tests and time yourself.
I am in maintenance, and many of the people i work with use this book to study. It can be purchased on amazon
I purchased this
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1438005709/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 off amazon.
Seems very helpful. came recommended from others who have taken/passed the test.